
Introduction Disclaimer All the posts you are about to see are made from my research. I make no guarantee of the accuracy any more than any other who reads a lot and does their best to sort out the information. Never take anyone's word over your own research even mine. I presented this information as graphics when possible in hopes that more people, then otherwise would, will read it. I believe we are in serious danger. America is the last bastion of freedom; If we do not stand against the leftist globalists, we are going to find ourselves in a world none will like. Socialism always fails, when they run out of other people's money to steal, and they always do. It is the historical way of socialism. When it fails it rains chaos, starvation, violence, and death. Leaders espousing Marxists beliefs are responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in the last century — Far more than Nazi Germany or any other 20th century authoritarian regime. As Americans it is our job to stop them, as it has been throughout history.
Why not take an unorthodox look at our meaningless lives in the hope that we can better ourselves by discarding trivial nonsense? Web Development Anime Memes
Eclectic mix of STEM, chickens, garden, politics and more chickens from your favorite biostatistician and mom extraordinaire
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
Jesus loving, God fearing Patriot We must be prepared to fight the enemies of our nation.
I focus on the digital and physical world. The four main categories that I sieve through information is: the digital, nutrition, fitness, and mentality. If I am not on a digital device, then I am out doing one of my endurance rucks of at least 20km with at least 10kg dry weight. And the rest of the time (with rucks included), I am sieving through a lot vocal content (audio books and podcasts). GROUPS: Rucking/Hiking: Programming Memes: Minds Limitlezz Extension: FEDIVERSE: Mastodon: Pixelfed: **DISCLAIMER** Most the content that is being shared through this account was found on the internet and thus this account does not claim to have ownership of the content. Although we believe that anything shared to the internet is public domain, we acknowledge that not everyone has the same point of view. Thus, if we share any content that infringes on your "terms and conditions" of such content, we would remove it.
Aug 2018
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