
Hello, I'm a scary story and countdown You-tuber narrator and I would really appreciate it if you guys could check my channel out.
Where I came from isn't where I'm going.
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| DES!GNS | Graphics - Memes - Digital Art - Photo Manipulation - Branding - Cinemagraph - MotionGraphics - | PRO | Crypto - Innovation - FreeThinking - Comedy - Rebels - Meditation - Psilocybin - | LOVES | Culture - HipHop - Psychology - Self-Awareness - Experimental Thinking - MY FAVORITE MINDS @curryhobo @thisisnotaloop @lucydyer73 @drcassone @sexdeathrebirth @MacVogt @drpatricklockwood WIRES GRATITUDE @ottman
Slavic Canadian; Russian Doukhobor Against the NWO (globalism) Check out my streams here - or or here or . Be sure to check out documentaries like: NWO - Communism by the Back Door by Denis Wise; or Harvest of Despair (Holodomor Ukraine); or The 5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event; or Europa the Last Battle; or Timeline of the Jooish genocide of the British people; or The Bolshevik Revolution - Darkness Decends;
I like to study metaphysics and the nature of reality. I am interested in ancient civilizations and lost technology. I am inspired by people who have developed their extra sensory perception and those who are able to perform feats deemed impossible by modern science. I have been having conscious out of body experiences for over ten years. I learned more about this world through astral travel then I had from any textbook or other source.
he Contemporary Man THE MISSION It is my life’s mission to transform the lives of MEN through my programs and books as well through my information online. I want to see you succeed. Words such as honor, loyalty, trust, integrity, and courage are words that have powerful meanings, but they are only words unless you live by them. As I talk with other men, I can see that there is a massive need for learning how to be a better father. But I’ve also seen a need for reliable and honorable men outside of the home. Guys, we’re losing the meaning of manhood. We’ve gone away from being reliable, rugged, independent, and tough to a collection of wimpy, dependent, whiners. Something has got to be done! “Some say there is no such thing as an Alpha made Man’s man. That nothing can be accomplished in life without the help of others. That a man cannot reach his goals without assistance. And while that may be true, these people are not the source or the cause of his success. A man becomes an Alpha made the moment he decides to shape his world, rather than be formed by it. It is a spark… A decision… An internal will that can never be given by another and that can never be purchased or borrowed. At that moment, he becomes the sole architect and artist of his life - an Alpha made Man’s man, where the rest of the world serves as the hammer and chisel he wields in order to shape it to his desire. The Contemporary Man was created for men who want to achieve greatness. Who wants to leave their mark on the world, and create a legacy of honor, integrity, and achievement in every aspect of their lives.” -Travis S. Miller Editor-in-Chief/Founder of the Contemporary Man.
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Music / Freedom / Peace ... nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile .... Click and like some of my favorites @GreenDeen ~ ~ check out his channels: @Israphel @GreenDeen and the beautiful wildlife channel of his Wildlife, Flora & Fauna Don’t miss out on @Pannobhasa_Bhikkhu Brilliant and Fun And be sure to check out @DarkoAhtiHorvat inspirational and sensational For super fun stuff visit @Harp609 & @ladyred More fun and inspiration visit @renegadepoet Most Beautiful Artwork can be found here: JW Baker @JWBaker Lots of Stuff here: @john Want some more cool music? You will find it @FretzCapo and of course you will find it @music Awesome Word Porn ~ ~ visit @kibls and @mikehopkins For some positive energy .. visit Positive Synergy @PositiveSynergy
Oct 2018
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