I am the vice president of the R.A.K. (random acts of kindness) PACK. We are a group of motorcycle riders who promote positivity through kind acts. We have fed in the month of may over 100 homeless in our communities. If you'd like to see more you can check out our YouTube channel R.A.K.PACK, our Facebook group R.A.K. (random acts of kindness) pack mc or email us for more information at [email protected].
Hi, I'm Vance Galloway I'm from the high desert in southern California in the United States. I'm aware of many thing that average people would shun me for mentioning, such as the importance of energy, the matrix, and corruption in my country as well as in the rest of the world. I only want to help bring peace and awareness to my ego driven, lost fellow man. I'm here to help end ignorance.
Auteur compositeur interprète
Sur cette page, je partage des photos que j'ai recueilli depuis plusieurs années sur des sites "Royalty free". Il est probable que certaines photos n'aient pas ce statut et je ne peut vérifier sur les sites d'origine car certains n'existent plus. Avisez-moi dans ce cas d'une image non permise...
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