
Ethno nationalist, Aryan European spiritualist, Vril astral traveler.
I hate this section. Makes me feel pretentious. Gas the muslim invaders.
"When deceit is universal, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." PRO WHITE #politics #news #memes Permanent Link: Brenton Tarrant’s Smart Manifesto and Slick Video ⚡⚡ For more great content subscribe to: @KnightmareSS @Mr_Bond @THESOLARCONTINGENT @Xavier153 @TheOutlawJoseyWales @Siegetard @FrustratedAmerican @PrepperBuddy4455 @sharonmonaco @PraetorianJuno @VxTRIPWIRExV @Fenria14 @TheIronGuard @boykokanev @DorianSpecter @Ral9010 @Zevic98 @WhiteFireRising @gnugaz @MuhZionism @AtomwaffenDivision @ZoorYuvonHeim @BlackSh33p @cursive @Americanpie @Kat1988000 @ShabbosShekels @MatteoNL97 @SirAlbertHolmes @GreenWolf25 @DirtRoadCowboy37 @DireWolf1488 @TheGloriousLion @ORDER15 @Identity14 @Shiny_Metal_Asteroid @OccidentalUnrest @ProleSerf @TheKnave @RobertBudriss @IdentityEvropa @BlackPilled @NordicFrontier @Straach1488 @AGLOCKFANBOY @blackpigeonspeaks @WayoftheWorld @kingshekels ⚡⚡ ⚡⚡ #NatSoc #Fascist #RWDS #WhiteRevolution #WPWW #freehelicopterrides #GTKRWN #ReadSiege #1488 #DeusVult
Reactionary, esoteric, vaporwave, fashwave art. Not all posts are mine, some are made myself. Message me art to post
Armanist - Warrior Adventurer Eclectic Traditionalist
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
RISE WORLD! AWAKEN! "A magnificent era is before us" THE CALL HAS BEEN SOUNDED, IT IS TIME FOR THE CORRUPTION TO END! “Adherence to your duty:” For "We Are The Light Of Our Ancestral Torch" And "We Will Rise Again" To Cast Out Corruption, The tribe of liars! Unravel the lies, expose the corruptors!: "To learn who rules you simply find out who you aren't allowed to criticize" -Voltaire “With effort and with organization, [our nations and communities] can be greater and more prosperous than ever before. The fight lies before us…a fight for action… for vigour… for vitality… and manhood” -Sir Oswald Mosley “Thanks to our unchangeable will, our readiness to sacrifice and our abilities, we will survive this misery.” “In ourselves alone, lies the future” “Through our own labor, through our own perseverance, our own determination, our own defiance, our own steadfastness, only then will we be able to rise again, just like our forefathers too” The True, Moral And Right Honorable, Adolf Hitler
Im roten Feld, auf strahlend weißem Grunde, Lacht uns der Väter heilig Sonnenkreuz! Musik der guten neuen Zeit Video speichern, Einfach nur als MP3 konvertieren, nichts verstellen, auf der Anlage kommt der Sound richtig zum vorscheinen. nicht gelistete Videos = nach Update futsch. Nun öffentlich, seit kurzem einloggen & klick einzelne direkte Videolinks noch frei verlinkbar. Nun ja.., zur Zeit halt. wenn Ihr die Birne klickt beim Video = 720/128kbit, In den News ist 360/80kbit, Jo ab und an ändern die mal was hier, also zZ halt. No Tokens, thanks Enjoy Ich bin Phallin SEID STOLZ ICH TRAGE DIE SCHLANGE
Just a vengeful ghost haunting the palace of modernity
Oct 2016
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