
I'm old school, 100 % German by heritage, but my name was a gift. I'm spiritual with a firm belief in the Native Prophecy of the "Rainbow Warriors". I worked as a licensed massage & bodyworks therapist and have studied natural health for 20 yrs now. I am not a teacher but an awakener. I've walked a very different path and my opinions reflect that. I don't like republicans, democrats, nor most government agencies. I refuse to be silent at anything I find an injustice. My mission in life is to awaken and help others. And if I can make you pee a little, spit coffee thru your nose, or laugh, that's just a bonus...
location_onStubbs, N.C.
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor. Home. Home on the Rez :) Aho
Entrepreneur Network Mkt PRO Trader/Investor Crypto/binary forex trading consultant International business man Single dad
I've got no strings to hold me down to make me fret, or make me frown I had strings, but now I'm free There are no strings on me!
Talk about firearms related things. Range related stuff. New to shooting we can help. Any firearms topic.
Michigander, Homeschooler, Medical Freedom, Liberty I am also on MeWe and Parler. Same tag as here on Minds. "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses" ~ Plato
Independent Living
Stubbs, N.C.
Jan 2017
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