
We support Freedom of Press Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News FBI Corruption article: Alex Jones receiving a child pornography set up attempt, reported to the FBI? Will U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster bust the US Attorney for “Fraud on the Court”? Report: News Reporter has appeared to have released court documents to Wikileaks Thanks to those kind and generous people for wiring Tokens into this account for my Information War on the corruption that is holding Journalist Brian D. Hill hosate: June 26, 2018 Wires: By wiring me Tokens, you get a special thank you message unless you prefer to remain anonymous and request that your username be kept confidential. <font size="5">I offer <b>6 TOKENS</b> for anybody who runs a blog with at least 50 or more visitors per day, to write an article about the following articles:</font> FBI Corruption article: Alex Jones receiving a child pornography set up attempt, reported to the FBI? Will U.S. Magistrate Judge Joe Webster bust the US Attorney for “Fraud on the Court”? Motion for Mental Exam regarding Innocence referred to Magistrate Judge – Justice for Brian D. Hill of USWGO Alternative News I posted this offer here: I want more publicity on Brian's case dealing with a corrupt U.S. Attorney and corrupt Greensboro, North Carolina FBI. As well as the corrupt Town of Mayodan, and corrupt N.C. State Senator Philip Edward Berger Senior. I offer Tokens for anybody who wants to write a blog entry that at least gets a lot of traffic. If anybody wishes to wire me Tokens, then I can add your name as a contributor to our cause unless you prefer anonymity. Please write about Brian's Habeas Corpus case on your blog or on your Minds blog. If you happen to write news articles as a member of the alternative media or mainstream media/press, please consider writing an article about Brian D. Hill's situation and I wire you Tokens. Thank You @RitzieAnn for wiring 2 tokens on July 10, 2018. You have aided me in my Information War campaign for justice and exposing political and judicial corruption.
Hope for Peace but Prepare for War For it is better to be a Warrior in times of Peace than a Gardener in times of War ------------------------------------------------------------ Avatar and Channel Banner made by @anaarkei ------------------------------------------------------------ Creator of the #MathsInMinutes blogseries that is posted Monday, Wednesday and Friday on this platform Donations to boost this blog series are appreciated and come with a shoutout for the donor ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently working on creating a recording of #Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov This project will be updated daily (it will be small readings though, between 5 and 10 minutes on average) ------------------------------------------------------------ You can also expect entries to my creative writing blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ------------------------------------------------------------ Do you like petite girls aka Lolis? I do. #FlatIsJustice because small girls deserve love, too and small breasts are a rare drop! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #Traps are also welcome here, this is turning into a den of #degeneracy ------------------------------------------------------------ Midna Inverse is my #Waifu And I will fight for her! Hack-Doll-3 is my own, personal #Trap and I will fight for him! ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Playing (barely playing): League of Legends (PC) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (WiiU) Splatoon ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Reading: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Think and Grow Rich 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson The Primarchs (Horus Heresy saga) Books about Buddhism & Zen ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Watching: ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently learning: Japanese 10 Finger Typing NLP CBT Lightworks ------------------------------------------------------------ My interests include but are not limited to: Music Literature Creative Writing Paintings/Drawings Voice acting Cinema Anime / Manga Vidya Lifelong learning Psychology NLP CBT Weight training Health Nutrition Weight Loss methods and BPM Life coaching Weight loss coaching Data Analytics Drones RC Planes FPV Recordings Shitposting 34604263883
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I believe in a safe world. I believe in the right to say what I want. I believe in the rights of women. I believe in the rights of men. I believe in equality for all.
I feel compelled to expose the progressive corruption For too long we allowed the neo Marxist progressives to infiltrate and corrupt our politics and Country. We as a Nation can never be free to pursue happiness as long as progressives taint this Country with their power hungry obsessions. We can do something about this... Expose them at every chance. Make them admit they are progressives and then ask them what they want for the Country. Remind everyone of the inseparable nature of progressives to Marxist ideology. Just like Marxists, progressives hate Capitalism and the liberty that our Republic was founded on. They hate the Constitution and will do everything in their power to undermine it. The Constitution by its nature confines and restrains the progressive lust for power by use of large all consuming government bureaucracies. Help me, join me. We can’t be free and enjoy the liberties God intended for us as long as progressives exist. Together we can expose and destroy this disease to our Nation.
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Jun 2018
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