
Moved on... NV Veterans are meeting at MeWe now.
This channel will no longer exist. Please Subscribe to my band channel: @PetalsAndThorns to stay connected. My new album is coming out in October 2020: "The Maid And The Blacksmith". I sing, write lyrics and melodies for "Petals And Thorns". Petals And Thorns: Website http://www.petalsandthorns.net________________________________________________________________________******** I DO NOT support (Hate Groups) of any kind, nor any person that represents them. I ask anyone who identifies with such views to refrain from subscribing to me. Any attempt at communication by such persons will result in being blocked and reported to Minds Admin.
Free spirit. Free thinker. Empath. Always learning. Peace. Unity. Love.
This page contains explicit literature and nudity in visual arts. If that doesn't satisfy your taste, you are welcome to look away
Advocating for Real Progressive Change
AUTHOR: The Essential Guide to Confidence & Managing The Diversity Maze #All ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE to MINDS you should find this very useful. JOIN THE POSITIVE PEOPLE GROUP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find my posts helpful and informative, you can support them through TOKEN wires (see the VIP list of donors below), or PAYPAL donations, here: It really helps the creativity and motivation!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :o) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinionated British writer, speaker, sociologist, Cambridge postgraduate, and Open University doctor, who enjoys positive people and life in all its amazing forms. LOVES laughing a lot, celebrating diversity, and empowering others to increase their aspirations, activities, expectations, and social interaction. DISLIKES: Injustice, negativity, ageism, sexism, racism, and any other awful ism, because they all share one major factor: low self-esteem and a naked FEAR of difference. #motivation #socialinteraction #diversity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NOTE: I believe in mutual respect, and prefer politeness and civility, even if we disagree. Anyone who cannot reciprocate that basic requirement will be blocked. I do NOT subscribe to negative or hate-filled, sexist/racist posts posing as 'free speech', that do nothing to enhance my life. As Oprah Winfrey once said: "Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Everyone else will drag you down." I live my life by it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOKENS DONATION Tokens help to BOOST popular posts to a wider audience. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Channel's VIP Supporters (5 TOKENS, or more) @Shannon222 @Bernie4 @TOPI_Wolf @LMCD @skydog @MinnieApolis @SkylerBearGunn @John @TOMBEEGEE @GemDigger @pinn @ottman @pwaldrop @Tanawatee @Gorfski @JohnMcKenzie @goldpointe @TheronH @lolatthat @TRACYARTHURKING @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @Robin6 @FatherGuido @VerbalBarb @Silvino @twodogs29 @Twido @Qomplainerz @Saboin @huy_guitar108 @Par4thecourse @aboniks @Wishful_Thinkin @LynneParker @scottychams @scottcbusiness @Lebowsky @Thyers @ladyhug @nguyenanhtu @Chrischel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $ PATRONS Dollars (or £s) enhance efforts and quality of life. Your support is warmly welcomed. :o) @Peggy2 (very first donation: THANK YOU!)
BEE HEE COME! Bear Skull is a mystic musical performance. Altered states, meditation, and spiritual evocations are key elements to the production of our craft. We not only aspire to be a driving, positive force on this platform, but also spread the word from God(s). Formed 2008 We will attempt to return likes. We also try our best to return reminds, though we prioritize sharing original content and/or posts. Unfortunately, we do not often remind from large re-posting profiles. If you do so happen to remind us on a regular basis, yet you do not often share original content, we will try to compensate you through tips with tokens. We also clear most reminds after 3 days, as to avoid clutter and/or cause confusion to any visitors seeking our content. Please feel free to erase our "shared" content within the same timeframe, if you so desire. We do not use Minds Messenger. #magick, #ritual, #sigilmeditation #themystics, #thmystc God(s)bless!
I'm living an inspired life expressing myself through my art...awake & aware during these troubled times.....may we all live our truth and offer support to one another to live and let live as we each see fit. xo
Aug 2017
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