
Do no harm. Take no shit. Eastern Orthodox, after taking the long way round. It was there the whole time.
Best Selling Author. Lover of hedgehogs & Freedom.
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Music in video games are often taken for granted, but some of the best music I got the pleasure to hear comes from just that! from video games! This channel is dedicated to show you the best music that video games got to offer, sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride :) I'm making music mixes of games that have very good music. Both old & new games, also many different styles of music and types of games. Official Minds account for GameMusicHallberg You can also find me on YouTube. Soundcloud BitTube BitChute Twitter Steemit Enjoy the music!
Not the real Jim Angleton, but connected to him & his work through only 1 degree of separation. 20 yrs counter-extremism expertise at ONI & in the private sector where I currently work. Expert in several different ideologies methods of online radicalization & current use of active measures, propaganda, disinformation & reflexive control techniques in Social Media Cyberwarfare. I'll be sharing lots of historical information showing how long it's been going on & connecting all the different seemingly unrelated threads of activity & change from the 60's to today & explain the details of Yuri Bezmenov's defection account & Anatoliy Golitsyn's warning of The Perestroika Deception & how both men are the most valuable defectors in US history. I'll gladly answer any current events questions I'm knowledgeable on, but won't divulge any classified information. It's unnecessary anyway, there's enough facts in the public sphere online to establish a historically accurate fact-pattern showing the legitimacy or illegitimacy of any claims. Follow me for a fun trip down a really deep rabbit hole that ends up directly in the middle of a huge wilderness of mirrors.
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. - Terry Prachett
Jun 2017
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