
THE UNIVERSAL RIGHTS OF ALL PERSONS (from the Constitution of the Federation of Eden) ZEROTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to own oneself, and thus by necessary extension own all one's own wealth, property, and labor, privately, and to consensually exchange them via equally beneficial, zero-sum contractual agreements created and performed solely of, by, and for those named in the contract, such that all costs and all benefits for all parties are clearly and visibly expressed in the contract, and are voted by all parties named in the contract to be of equal value, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. FIRST UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to satisfy all physical needs - which are space, water, food, air, shelter, sleep, consensual sex, the equal choice to parent, and life, such that homeostasis is established, and no physiological disease or injury are present or imminent - insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. SECOND UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to satisfy all mental needs - which are safety, security, love, companionship, esteem, and validation, such that cognitive equilibrium is established, and no mental disease or injury is present or imminent - insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. THIRD UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to freely express oneself, with all mediums, but most especially with speech and the press, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above, and without censorship in any case. FOURTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to satisfy all spiritual or emotional needs - which are: meaning, order, opportunity, evolution, expansion, and beneficence: meaning the giving of aid for the purpose of the fulfillment of all persons' Universal Rights - or otherwise pursue happiness, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. FIFTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to freely provide or withhold consent to all engagements directly involving oneself - except if one is presently intoxicated, insane, a criminal, or a child, and de facto cannot consent to exposure or engagement with combat, voting, drugs, or sexuality - and if one is a local citizen, to express their consent with one vote, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. SIXTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to improve oneself spiritually, physically, and mentally, without indoctrination, misinformation, or logically fallacious reasoning, by access to privately owned and operated churches, gymnasiums, and academies, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. SEVENTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to freely and peacefully assemble, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. EIGHTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to participate in Court acts, with the prosecution owning the full burden of proof of crime, with the logically valid establishment of mens rea and empirically sound evidence of actus reus, and in accordance with all applicable legislation and legal precedent, by a majority vote of the jury, in a privately owned and operated local Court, and if convicted, sentenced to rehabilitation but never institutionalization nor incarceration, restitution but never bail nor unnecessary fees, or exile but never capital nor corporal punishment, in equal magnitude, frequency, and duration to the crime, insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. NINTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to freely discover and reveal any information - except: (a) personal information that is not official evidence in a Court case; (b) personal information that is not collected for the purpose of gaining a warrant or criminal investigation; and (c) copyrighted information - insofar as no person's Universal Rights are violated in the pursuit or performance of the above. TENTH UNIVERSAL RIGHT: Equal right to the opportunity to regulate the creation, ownership, and distribution of wealth, property, and labor in accordance with the following cyclical hierarchy: (a) relative judicial regulatory agency, meaning an individual Court; (b) relative executive regulatory agency, meaning a random representative sample of the citizenry of a local Syndicate; (c) relative legislative regulatory agency, meaning local political parties; (d) absolute Syndicate judicial regulatory agency, meaning all Courts within the Syndicate; (e) absolute legislative regulatory agency, meaning all the political parties and members thereof in the Federation; (f
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