
nothing special
Hobby nature/macrophotographer
Christian. Geoscientist. Gym Enthusiast. Meme Connoisseur.
Deep emotional atmospheres woven in psychedelic soundscapes offer a post-rock experience you won’t soon forget. Recipe for Q.Tune Ecstasy: 1. Begin with Cedar Branches’ grass-roots electronica music (lush, rhythmic synths, extravagant beats, complex synth bass undertones and deep lyrical themes). ​ 2. Add Marc Turkel’s dreamy rhythms and deeply stirring guitar leads, delivered with a finesse that is guaranteed to move you. 3. Insert a heavy dose of talented guest musicians taking part in the collaborative creation of magic. ​ 4. Mix, chill, and serve. A feast of sound that will leave you filled… AND wanting more. http://qtunemusic.com
https://steemit.com/@chrissysworld Hobby photographer with a passion for birds of prey. With more than 100.000 original photos we want to enchant you. Have fun and enjoy the pictures. I would be very happy about votes and followers. Greetings your Chrissy ♡ (Animal Photographers) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/905835517871800320 (Macro Photographers) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/904773199726280704 #animalphotographers #animalphotography #macrophotographers #marcophotograpy
Just a place for me to dump all of the things going on in my head. Philosophy/politics, memes, jokes, and stuff involving a Warhammer 40k story I've been writing.
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
g͡ag͡ag͡a An Odinist from Northern Europe.
Is there any replacement for the world? [Join or search a group {click to one through a post header/title} to directly follow an essay and primary related work and content.] Share if you are a lover of wisdom. https://www.minds.com/register;referrer=DragonBlood300 (I generally write about the books in my library, the ones I am able to pick up, handle, and verify what I am writing about. I mostly have a large collection of Penguin classics and some other things concerning the War Poets of the early 19th century. I study Asian philosophy in China and Japan and India as well. I write aphorisms and sometime a little fiction. I try to wander through this where my mind leads. I thought I would write with a audience to motivate myself, with embarrassment, in learning my own studies and for only my wisdom. I have done much schooling, but ...we all know that school these days is a brainwashing factory, right? So...most of what I have learned on my own I still remember. Maybe I accidentally teach myself something and maybe someone accidentally learns to teach themselves a thing. That's what I think.) (A small word: you will have to be patient with idea presentation in this format. I am not contradicting myself if concepts demand more attention than space is available...ask for a reading list, I'll be happy to provide one.) (All the 'group' in which I have posted are mine for organizational purposes...just easier for extremely complex narratives) (If you post on my page or in the groups please try to stay on topic, be concise, write with nuance and have sources ready...accepted sources not nonsense--I keep a certain standard here. I don't think this is too much to ask. I consider this a sacred pursuit. If you shit post {specifically and intentionally disgusting material} I will permanently remove you. I am not being too serious, jokes are accepted. I don't want to see disgusting stupidities on my page, please. Stay classy and try to have fun.) (I can't believe I have to tell people this but: write and think at least a level above community college or I will hold you accountable, challenge your comments, destroy you; I will make an example of you. Get it? That's the level of thinking I expect and the example I myself set, I accept nothing less. So, step up your game or go play with the children.) YES, THIS PAGE IS ONE LARGE INTERLOCKING CONVERSATION ON HUMANITY. ...I am going on a journey? . . .
This channel will no longer exist. Please Subscribe to my band channel: @PetalsAndThorns to stay connected. My new album is coming out in October 2020: "The Maid And The Blacksmith". I sing, write lyrics and melodies for "Petals And Thorns". Petals And Thorns: Website http://www.petalsandthorns.net________________________________________________________________________******** I DO NOT support (Hate Groups) of any kind, nor any person that represents them. I ask anyone who identifies with such views to refrain from subscribing to me. Any attempt at communication by such persons will result in being blocked and reported to Minds Admin.
I like travelling, exploring and learning new things; interested in science, biology, nature, human beings, psychology, cultures, ... Sometimes an #annoyinggirlfriend @futurosenso Everything you do comes back to you
Jun 2015
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