Son of Scotland we will not rest till we have our independent. WM is corrupt to the core with the two major party's becoming one both only out for them self which is made mighty easier since every mass media is owned by the elite which in turn uses the propaganda machine. The people time is now and it has never been a better time so many well informed people. #VivaLaRevolution
Trying to live as chemical free as possible
Avoiding chemicals in my cleaning products, my beauty Products, my garden and food.
The chemical build up in our bodies and environment is counter productive to our wellbeing, health and often our overall philosophy in life.
Here I will share my hints and tips on how to go chemical free often with products you can make yourself, so you know exactly what's in them and on a budget.
"up cycling" Is the future!
The constant changing fashions are producing "land fill shite" Better to be real, creative and cause as little damage to our world as possible x