
Unmaskingthepoet: Here I post videos of me reciting my poetry that I write under the pen name REbEL WAStE. The theme of the channel name UNMASKiNG-tHE-POEt is the concept of how writing and expression in this fashion is a way for us to remove the masks we wear, opening ourselves up to all that exists, both safe and terrifying. The strait jacket is an extension of this theme, worn to demonstrate "all that binds" us in ourselves. The removal of the mask and strait jacket at the end of the videos show the unfettered freedom that comes when one expresses themselves truly, and through doing so teaches and learns and grows. Think metamorphosis...this is all a type of metamorphosis. Specifically poetry as a metamorphosis. REbEL WAStE: Longer, more essay type videos, in contrast to my poetry channel. Rather than the poem itself, I go more in-depth as to concepts presented.
lost inside my mind
Polish guy; There should be more.... yeah
#MAGA 🐸 Veteran of The Great Meme War, 310th Czech Memeing Battalion. Tolerant. Lactose tolerant.🍼
A Canadian couple with a Podcast. I'm Trans, Trans national. I identify as American
Musician from Sweden, i also code (mainly c++) so i might go on some WinAPI related rants...
I'm just one man in the sea which is the internet.
I occasionally make Youtube videos on contemporary political issues, attempting to discuss them in a nuanced and rational manner. My Minds channel will be more interactive and to bounce ideas off my subscribers. I'll also occasionally talk about gaming, music and other random things.
Mnemosyne There are not many things in life that have linked me to this world. I fell out of my mother like a pound of potatoes; love, a burlap bag. I crawled through childhood, hid behind skirts on a mannequin, hid behind door jambs, in dark closets. I have known so few, but those whom I do are buoys balanced in the throes of surf and sink; starts and drops into deep, deep swells that have carried me along to desert sand. I have enough water to walk across desperate time in need of nothing more than Mnemosyne.
New Zealander looking to engage with others across topics of interest as we flee the censorship of globalist social media. 
Dec 2016
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