https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant https://adnauseam.io I appreciate the works of great philosophers, discussing current events and the meaning of life. Proud Pagan, Nationalist & Survivalist (in training). Not the biggest fan of Abrahamic religions. I appreciate all good music (although this is highly subjective) I respect your right to free speech, no matter if I agree with your opinion or not. (also I say "appreciate" a lot apparently) Santa is a mushroom.
Holistic Living in Western Washington
🌍 OPen Your Eyes OPen Your Mind B OPen 🎭  🇫🇷 La science mon essence - L'Art mon excutoire. Entre, mon âme vibre. Dans ce va & vient incessant, mes joies, mes envies, mes tourments, mes combats vont et viennent pour ne faire qu'un. La danse de ma vie au rythme de mon coeur et de mon esprit. On est tous les 🌟 de nos vies 💚🇺🇸🇬🇧 The Science my essence, the Art my excutoire. Between, my soul vibrates. In it go and come ceaseless, my desires, my agonies go and come to make only one, The dance of my life at the rate of my heart and my spirit. "In human the intelligence is an uncultivated ground which it is necessary to maintain" (Eugène Delacroix). We are all the 🌟 of our life ❤ Foep Lactée.😎 RKE
"When deceit is universal, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." PRO WHITE #politics #news #memes Permanent Link: Brenton Tarrant’s Smart Manifesto and Slick Video https://dailystormer.name/permanent-link-brenton-tarrants-smart-manifesto-and-slick-video/ ⚡⚡ For more great content subscribe to: @KnightmareSS @Mr_Bond @THESOLARCONTINGENT @Xavier153 @TheOutlawJoseyWales @Siegetard @FrustratedAmerican @PrepperBuddy4455 @sharonmonaco @PraetorianJuno @VxTRIPWIRExV @Fenria14 @TheIronGuard @boykokanev @DorianSpecter @Ral9010 @Zevic98 @WhiteFireRising @gnugaz @MuhZionism @AtomwaffenDivision @ZoorYuvonHeim @BlackSh33p @cursive @Americanpie @Kat1988000 @ShabbosShekels @MatteoNL97 @SirAlbertHolmes @GreenWolf25 @DirtRoadCowboy37 @DireWolf1488 @TheGloriousLion @ORDER15 @Identity14 @Shiny_Metal_Asteroid @OccidentalUnrest @ProleSerf @TheKnave @RobertBudriss @IdentityEvropa @BlackPilled @NordicFrontier @Straach1488 @AGLOCKFANBOY @blackpigeonspeaks @WayoftheWorld @kingshekels ⚡⚡ https://siegeculture.biz/ https://web.archive.org/web/20190222040849/http://siegeculture.biz/ https://web.archive.org/web/20170117095413/http://ropeculture.org/ https://thepurityspiral.com/ https://voiceofeurope.com/ https://www.defendevropa.org/ http://www.illegalaliencrimereport.com/ https://radiowehrwolf.world/ ⚡⚡ #NatSoc #Fascist #RWDS #WhiteRevolution #WPWW #freehelicopterrides #GTKRWN #ReadSiege #1488 #DeusVult
Raising and spreading awareness through art, images and audiovisual content. My world through quotes: “You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" ― William Shakespeare
The Sun Moon and Earth have now aligned with The Emperor.
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