love conspiracy theories, I have dedicated my entire life trying to understand God, immortality, eternity, who we are as eternal souls, the game of life, don't let me be lonely on here, talk to me. I share whatever I feel like including sexiness
Welcome to my channel; Have a laugh at my expense, or maybe yours....
First Deadly Sin: The False Comparison
Second Deadly Sin: The Bad Example
Third Deadly sin: Ignorance as Proof
Fourth Deadly Sin: The Tautology
Fifth Deadly Sin: The False Choice
Sixth Deadly Sin: The Red Herring
Seventh Deadly Sin: The Wrong Ending
Γνῶθι σεαυτόν
Μηδὲν ἄγαν
Ἐγγύα πάρα δ Ἄτα
Now shh; go to sleep.🌑
Oh for those of you that want to stalk me further here is an alternative link to my bio
I love meme, i'm a free speech absolutist, if you can't understand sarcasm you might think i'm stupid, and you'd be mostly correct !
I'm a huge video game enthusiast, not just playing them but knowing them and hopefully one day get to make one, not just work on them.
I have a YouTube gaming channel, please consider subscribing !