
I don't pretend to know the TRUTH All i know is that there are a lot of lies, and the lies are to the core of all of our beliefs This channel encourages FREE thinking If i offend you Sorry If i am wrong Sorry If im right Sorry I want FREEDOM for MANKIND Sometimes im RIGHT Sometimes im WRONG But i know that you shouldn't shoot the messenger If you can prove without a doubt that what i have posted is incorrect , please let me know. I do not own my posts unless they are my personally created images/artwork KEEP pushing Great MINDS out there The world is at tipping point and WE are helping I AM SURE Spread the WORD of Real Media Which Is YOU !!!!!! Be TRUE to yourself most people don't get it My personal prayer/mantra: Thank you mother Earth, i am you and you are me Thank you father Sun , i am you and you are me Thank you Divine cosmic SOURCE i am you and you are me FEEL FREE TO USE IT
ALL things crypto and virtual currency #altcoin #blockchain #encryption N.B. ALL commercial group content requires a single Token donation Group Admin @FacebookFluxx69 #FacebookFluxx69 Mod @TechnoMageB5 #TechnoMageB5
Admin: @FretzCapo (IND) #UnfuckTheWorld #journalism #news #911Truth #NoMoreOilWars ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` Please tag with #UnfuckTheWorld ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` No more than 5 consecutive posts please, or you will be considered a spammer and removed from the group. Memes are accepted but no more concurrent posts than regular posts. Those are the only requirements for posting in this group except for the usual. Don't break the law and treat others with respect! Now get out there and Unfuck The World!
Aug 2015
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