Bayesian Scientific Skeptic / Sceptic, Atheist, Humanist, Critical Thinking, Science & Technology, Science-based Medicine (retired Neurologist), Internet Triangulator and Sarcastic Curmudgeon from the Baby Boomer Generation.
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John R. Ellis
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Dr.John R. Ellis, M.D.
Sleepy Hollow Honey and Herbs
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CBS Survivor fan
MMA fan
Reality-based Medicine
Ordained Atheist Minister in ULC
Irreligiosophy Skunk Dick & PhD
Pope of Atheism Minus
Proud Glober
You can't reason with delusion.
Not to mention apophasis - my favorite paralipsis.
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
Trust no one. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
All Skeptics are Atheists. Not all Atheists are Skeptics. Be Skeptical.
You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own (made up) facts.
Facebook is about Friends and Family. Twitter is about Events. Nextdoor is about Neighbors. Discord is about Gaming and multiple chat channels. Google+ is about Topics and Information. Minds and Emenator are about Freedom of Expression without censorship.
Free Market of Ideas Supporter, I will not block anyone. I support, Remind, Wire and Boost Any Reports - Videos or Blogs on Exposing of Pedo Rings Arrests, Trials or Conventions Nationally & Internationally,. I believe that Pedophilia Crimes should be treated as Crimes Against Humanity. Even Yoshua said, It would be better for someone who hurts a child to have a mill stone tied around their neck and dumped into the sea rather than what is in store for them (paraphrased). I am a registered Republican with heavy Libertarian Ideas. I believe that government is parasitic and must be small for our safety. I am Christian, a follower of the Way and member of the Anglican Communion. I question the historicity of Islam and it's purported revelations on it's veracity alone. I support Kekistan Independence. I support freedom from Communism, Socialism or Fascism replacement with representative democracy, rule of law by independent judiciary, free independent journalism and the free exercise of all religions. I believe that international trade should be ranked in relation to the type of government they have with depots at the bottom (no trade) with increased tariffs on dictatorships, communist or repressive socialist [Venezuela or Sweden], diminishing tariffs on constitutional monarchies, representative democracy or republics based on their treatment of their citizens. I support Americana and investigative Citizen Reporting no matter the source. Truth is the imperative. I am genetically Latin with Irish overtones having family names from both parents that are tied to Mexico (Nueva España) and New Mexico and have ties to Mescalaro Apache with family ties to the Philippines as well. I have good ties to expat Vietnamese community.
Born and Raised in Los Angeles California, educated in the public schools, college grad but have learned more since graduating. I am MGTOW but married with three adult children; two sons and a daughter. I desire that they have a future worth living defend and pass on to their children. I despise the NWO and any NGO that is tied into that malignant ideology. Soros and Clintons should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity for the deaths and destruction they have brought world wide. I also think that those in or were part of the US government that also have brought death and destruction should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity, ie. G.W. Bush and R. Chaney. I think that Crypo Currency will be the direction economies will need to use along with gold and silver. I think an alternative for currency would be to monetize energy production by any means based on the amount of energy necessary for a food crop to grow compared to that amount of energy used in the production of X amount of gold. I don't believe in human generated Climate Change or Global Warming. I do believe that we are governed by Solar Cycles combined with Tectonic movement and Volcanic activity. We are in a Grand Solar Minimum for the next 12 to 15 years meaning the globe will be getting cooler. I like art and music from antiquity to jazz, from cave art to computer generated work. I like animals and nature, good food and drink. Believe that self health care is the first step before big pharma. I admire Japanese wood working tech, Bonzi gardening and stone modifying. I admire craftsmanship in steel and bronze.
To survive you will need - brutal honesty - mental health - physical strength - heart to follow - self to develop - loyalty of your gang - sense of humor - joy in struggle - a burning need - nothing to lose.
Bill Ottman has given us one of the greatest gifts ever. Like a junkie I keep checking those dying media places. Help me get my fix. Call me an asshole, tell me I'm stupid. Down vote me if you want, up vote me if you want, remind me when you think I'm brilliant. Anything that keeps me involved, when I'm not writing, is appreciated.
I write stories for grown ups, or mostly grown ups, or just the mentally disturbed.
I talk about politics and social issue; loudly, angrily, and logically. I don't often concern myself with how my views will be taken. On the other side of that, I listen to everyone so long as they are engaging in a conversation, no matter how heated, and not simply shouting down everyone who disagrees with them, convinced they are right. Only morons refuse to listen because they think they have nothing to learn. I accept that I don't know everything and wish more people would do the same.
When I'm making money for someone else I manage people with a focus on team morale and customer satisfaction. I love small companies where people can speak openly and ideals guide policy. So I despise most corporations and avoid giving them my money whenever possible.
Combining all of that, I hate the idea that a writer, or any artist should not talk about their politics or faith. Someone should have mentioned that to Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley, Poe, Shakespeare, etc.
I learned at the knees of the great ones how to tell tales that warn society that they are on a path to darkness and should go no further. yet, like those before me, I don't expect anyone to listen.
Not always safe for work. I swear a lot and have a very dark sense of humor.
Free speech advocate. Did I cover that with author? I used to say not politically correct until jerks who thrive on hate decided to steal that term and make it mean, I'm a some sort of -ist asshole and so is anyone else who says this. I hate censorship in all forms.
I rarely play well with others. Unless you're an artist, I love other artists of all kinds. I can disagree with a person on a personal level and still encourage their creative side. We have enough people asking us what we really want to be when we grow up, no need do it to each other. Though, I get tired of people recycling advice from Twain, King, and Gaiman as if it was both dogma and their own. My advice for artists is, ignore all advice given to you, or take it with a grain of salt. People are telling you how they did or do it, you have to do it your way and stay true to the muse. The world is changing.
Just because I disagree with someone you hate does not mean I agree with you. I tend to hold opinions that upset all sides of the conversation. I am a Constitutional Conservative, look it up. I also have this strange dedication to saving the planet for other peoples' children. Which tends to mean I support progressives, even when I don't agree with them, and think both American political parties are the same party and full of idiots.
I have been known to bite, not always in a good way.
Quick witted, quicker to offer advice, slow to follow yours, even slower to follow my own.
Cool people buy my books!
Cheap bastards read free shit. - Rarely updated since I discovered Minds!