Truman Show News

The Truth Shall Set You Free
Ahoy! I left the U.S. not knowing what to expect and ended up with a doctor in Central America, where I have now been for 2 years. We do free alternative treatments for the poor and have had amazing effects. We live by faith and do not charge for most treatments. It is amazing what life can do if you try to detach and let it take you where you are needed. Any donations are welcome! Visit our website at:
Urban caveman living in North America, into crypto currency and Austrian economics.
11th commandment of God: "Take care of your job"
Ranch Ehlro Child Slave Labour Camp in Norbert Lake. Justice for Richard and all the children who were abused by Ranch Ehlro Wilderness Challenge since 1973. The NDP government was responsible for allowing the camp(even with allegations of abuse,rape,torture and starvation) to run due to kickbacks from pelts being sold to an American outfit. For depositions/legal documents please contact Christopher Read of APTN|Investigates (Last Resort).
Aug 2018
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