
Free spirit. Empath. Dreamer. Metalhead. Tree hugger. Should you choose to follow my channel, please be aware, this is unpredictable territory. Randomness and chaos rule my mind. The spectrum of thoughts, emotions, ideas, and imaginings you could see expressed here is very wide. There will be love, death, joy, sadness, anger, darkness, light, sex, magic, meditation, mind-altering substances, food, and underlying all of this, beautiful awareness. One thing is for sure, the music will always be good! Thanks for subscribing to my mind! 👽👾💀
Co-creator of human shaped realities! I run a social network that is focused on healing, balancing and evolving at https://www.ureka.org
♦Blockchain™ ethusiast ♦Cryptocurrency & mining ♦Offers mining service ♦BTC/ETH/LIT/ZIT
Frequently posting #NSFW content to make your life kinkier FREE Pics and Vids
Finding simplicity and mindfulness in our modern lives. Join the community of freethinking individuals centered around exploring all aspects of life. My mission is to bring compassion & personal growth to a million humans. You’ll find posts and quotes about happiness, change, mindfulness, minimalism and more If you’re searching for best quotation, discover famous deep quotes of all time. Browse collections of inspirational quotes, life quotes and love quotes.
Just a fan of art
Anti-woke, love freedom.
A watchman who thrives on watching current events as they play out
Scientifically intuitive thought pattern, musician, legal eagle, oneiromancer
Aug 2017
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