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Welcome One and All...You've just entered the Yotivation Nation...I am your Host "Yo". I'm so excited to find a place where we can find the Truth without being censored...We will explore many varied topics but I am pretty hung up on Politics in the moment. With Mainstream Media NOT doing their Job and Pushing a Globalist Agenda instead...I am forced to do my own research so I can Know for myself...and I love to share what I learn with others... So bring your Free Thinking Mind back here often... Remember to Smack the Subscribe Button and Let's Kick some Globalist Butt together my friends! We The People have the Power...We are the Boss...We Sign Their Paychecks... We are about to Make History by defeating the Globalists Powers...which has Never been so close to Failing ever before... All it takes is for you to become Aware of it. ~Yo~ Go on now...Smash the Subscribe Button...I'm just starting here...I swear I'm a nice person...I just Speak Out to Protect our Rights and our Freedoms because if I don't who else will...This is the Fight of our Lives Baybee and I'm gonna be on the Front Lines the Whole Time..I've got my Armour on...I'm Ready...Let's Go!
Independent journalist
Sharing music from around the world!
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor (R)
http://truththeory.com Truth Theory is a news media publication facilitating the empowerment of humanity using honest, solution-based and thought-provoking ideas Get our free ebook: https://truththeory.org/
You are what you eat!
Not interested in Crypto!!....Husband of 1 wife for nearly 4 decades, father, grandfather and Living my best life possible in the land of my ancestors in Hawaii ... *Again...Not interested in crypto!!.. so please don’t message me about it!
I've got no strings to hold me down to make me fret, or make me frown I had strings, but now I'm free There are no strings on me!
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Feb 2018
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