This channel is dedicated to making new users of #Minds accommodate faster and better with the platform and also promoting (reminding and boosting) their posts , and thus making it easier for them to connect and find like-minded people.
Experienced users are also welcome for reminds and token prizes.
In this concept:
1. I will subscribe back to everyone subscribing to GrowingMinds (usually within the same day), and
2. All tokens earned by this channel will be given away weekly and randomly to it`s subscribers as prizes for their posts.(will ask the receivers of the prizes to confirm the receiving of the tokens).
This channel will not have any posts of it`s own, only reminds and boosts of it`s subscribers posts.The only exception being the announcements of winners of the tokens.
Admin : @TrueNatureofReality
Here are some useful places and tips to help you better navigate the platform :
- #Minds FAQ :
- Support & Bugs Group (post any question you have regarding Minds and report bugs)
- #Minds User Guide :
- Tutorial video :
- Why #Minds? Video :
- #Welcome
»» If you have an interest in the following areas : #natural cures, #nature , #science , #cosmology , #health, #gardening , #outdoors , #whistleblowers , The Venus Project, evolving consciousness etc. please consider checking my other channel @TrueNatureofReality ««
"There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers. There are many places to go beyond belief. Those challenges are yours--in many fields, not the least of which is space, because there lies human destiny."
~ Neil Armstrong