
ON DECK, GenX | TOMORROW WAR 😎 Never fear Zak is here | 2020-2024 Welcome to the Twilight Zone. #altnewsmedia #Entertainment
Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told Banned & Censored Worldwide ⚜️ Communism By The Backdoor ⚜️ The Secret Masonic Victory of WW2 ⚜️ ⚜️ Donate BTC: 1Eo2TyF47VzAa4WD4WH58pho6XXpG2R6Z
independen jaluorist
Join me as I travel the USA in search of Solutions. I'm the co founder of a little startup with a huge mission - Update: October 2019: Hey folks! Thanks for checking out my channel and for all your support! - I'm the co-founder of NatureHub app ( a platform I've invested the past 4 years into bringing to life. It's a community to connect conscious people and businesses to make the world a better place. I hope you will join us there! - This is my backup channel for my twitter acct. So in case twitter censors or bans me -this channel will become my main channel. - If you need to reach me, feel free to get in touch through any of my main active social media accounts below: tw: @jharveylewis fb: jharveylew email: [email protected] - I've been traveling for the past 4 months and inactive here due to the constraints of living on the road- uploading to lots platforms requires good connection and lots of time which I often don't have. I very much believe in alternative platforms like and want to see them grow, but sadly my mainstream channels (fb/tw/lkdn) have gained more traction, and so with limited time and resources for me to get my upstart NatureHub going and needing to avoid social media / computer burnout I have to put this acct on the back burner temporarily.
Growing plants and living well. I’m politically centrist and I love to read content from all perspectives and life experiences. I’m looking for a new, independent social media platform where speech is truly free and nobody is censored. I’m hoping this is it.
Welcome to The Ape Talks This podcast is about an ape called Mr. Ape who sits with himself for an hour a day to talk to himself about his feelings on things and he also does recall funny childhood memories. The ape gives himself a lot of helpful advice that any other ape can apply to their lives. Mr. Ape also doesn't take himself too seriously and has a general relaxed tone and atmosphere. Mr. Ape hopes to one day start obtaining guests to practice his art of talking and listening with but for now he will just have to keep practicing with himself. Mr. Ape Signing off
Welcome to Rabbit's channel! Vietnamese Food is Everything!!! Not only posting nice pictures about traditional food, I will soon create blogs for sharing Vietnamese cuisine recipes! Please be patienttttt :D Many thanks for your support!
Aug 2018
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