
Tank enthusiast, WWII expert, creative multitalent, angry teenager: Growing up in Goa, India, facing racism and discrimination every day, has shaped this young man into a keenly aware person with strong political views - being called 'white skin' by a former principal might do that to you. Vidme: https://vid.me/ZeCommander YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZgzZBwr42wUPULSItbWJA Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ZeCommander
Hello, my friends, welcome to my channel! On my page you will find topics related to craftsmanship, music, games, politics, and anything medieval. Free speech and civility are important to me. We should speak truth, and be equally willing to listen when others speak wise words. I am currently living in Daegu, South Korea and enjoying the beautiful country, temples, and castles. Feel free to chat and I will do my best to reply. If you can, subscribe so we can make this corner of the web a larger, better place. Thank you, all. Safe travels! I am currently living in South Korea. My @TAK_In_South_Korea page is basically defunct. You can follow my travels here :)
Writing is my thing - all my life I have been fascinated by words. Today, I write freelance as a texter for online media - contact me for excellent content. I believe we are what we eat and happiness is a moment of bliss. Vita: Born in Ansbach, a small town in Bavaria, Kornelia worked as a journalist in Regensburg. She met her Italian husband while riding an Enfield Bullet through India. They settled in Goa. After the birth of her son, Kornelia started writing cookbooks. She loves to experiment in the kitchen and explore the human relationship with food in a profound way. Her three cookbooks, 'Kornelia’s Kitchen: Mediterranean Cooking for India', 'Kornelia’s Kitchen 2: Cooking for Allergies' and 'Cooking for Happiness', have won the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards.
I encourage interaction with everything I post on the feed. Please take the time to comment, share, or whatever-you-like with my articles. The comment sections under my published works are always free-speech zones.
SUBSCRIBE & REMIND Postings of real news, comics/memes, and videos pertaining to the following: Anti-SJW, -BLM, -ANTIFA, -MSM, -modern feminism, -censorship, -Sharia Law, -illegal immigration, -immigrant non assimilation, -extremism (Islamic or any other), -racism (not the Leftists' definition), -Democrat, -liberal higher education, -white male apologist, -forced multiculturalism Pro-truth, -critical thought, -common sense, -free speech, -civil debate, -progressive conservatism, -modern nationalism, -military, -women, -decency, -gun rights, -MAGA, -U.S. Constitution, -animal rights, -environment, -limited government "A man who will not die for something is not fit to live." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
A FUCKING WHITE MALE, egalitarian, anti-feminist, anti-SJW, anti-stupid, shitlord. Got a problem with that? I don't care!
Photography. Video Gaming. PC stuff. Xbox One/Switch stuff. Streaming and more! SOCIAL SALSA WARRIORS! ------------------------------------------------ https://www.youtube.com/user/LoneNitroWolf https://www.twitch.tv/nitrowoof Channel Tags #NitroWolf #NWolfia #Woofers #Gaming #GameShorts #StreamSplice #PC #PCMR #XBOX #XB1X #XB1 #ANTHEM
Feb 2017
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