
Enjoy my photos.
Observing the lewd... I don t claim ownership for anything posted.
I'm back, sortah kindah!
"Perry Mason robot with tits" -- meant as an insult but accurate. I don't censor or moderate. I do criticise, unflinchingly. Caveat emptor.
Gamer, recovering optimist, and unabashedly altruistic...to a degree.
Scientist by day, lazy bum at night,
PleasurEarth LLC & Company to join in creating recipes of granola. Full time around the clock facility fully insured and inspected annually. Certified and audited often trustworthy company. I have personally experienced working their facilities and will be enlightened to begin product developement of the blueberry coconut almond recipe. Donations are accepted to help fund trademarkings and obtaining the 2 batched needed to begin making samples and finished product.
https://www.whorepresents.com ===============================http://www.fuckgoogle.co.uk/ oldmanshaven.com shave some time off -------------------- @FunnyMovies ← -------------------- @Tokens ← - http://www.fuckgoogle.co.uk/ - we're a libertarian site open speech kinda place, we'd prefer no ads than bowing to them. minds pride themselves on never censoring or banning non-illegal accounts. https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=Tokens Our minds Group ============================= tnx for the wire @alexandriabernieheather x1 @lilycreek x3
https://www.cybrink.com Technology / Science / Future
Dec 2016
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