
Music, Free/Libre Software and Andor's Trail
Welcome to #LandMinds! Viral reach spreading outside of #Minds! Plant your Land Minds to spread the social revolution! This is a decentralized, cryptic, slap-tagging game with prizes and many ways to participate. Get working on creating your own stickers, flyers, or looking for methods to participate and start winning points! Step 1: Choose LandMinds https://www.minds.com/blog/view/530150021585182720 Step 2: Print & Stick! (We have paste tutorials) (; Step 3: Make sure to take a picture of your work before you leave the scene. Tag @Land_Minds / #LandMinds in the description of your post! Step 4: Profit in sweet sweet Minds points! We're starting with a pregame, purely to load up cities with taggers before we begin the official game. THANK YOU to #LandMinders already kicking some serious butt to get the game off the ground, (well, maybe on the ground depending how you look at it). For alternative methods of participation: https://www.minds.com/blog/view/543345488481492992 And take a few minutes to read some of our suggestions: https://www.minds.com/blog/view/5298857155724697
A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one. If a man hasn’t discovered something he would die for, he isn't fit to live.. Cyberaktivist - the peoples resistance
Fitness 💕 Nature 💕 Spirit 💕 Freedom
Hy, i am doctor moustache. My "speciality" is to make some short videos. You will see amazing things if you watch my videos on youtube... They are made with love...
Jun 2015
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