
An activist for the voiceless. Spreading love, awareness, and light. 💫🌌✌️#intactivist #activist #lover #sobriety #medicalfreedom https://msha.ke/your_conscious_health
Those who lead the way to a better world to come. Remember. it is the Wayseers who show the way to our future human communities. Use your voice for building a better future for all you come into contact with.
Wellness is found in sound money, growing/raising your own food, using food/herbs as medicine and most importantly, finding Yahuah, the Creator of all things, and involving Him in all parts of your life. So spend some time to find the right (and real) teachers in each of these and learn from them, then you'll be on your way to wellness life.
#MemeWars Freedom To Meme! This group is run by #MindsGaming and gives rewards for original memes. Group Rules: - Freedom to meme The only way to get banned is by posting things that are not memes. Rewards: Community rewards are given out by community runners or our community channel, to receive rewards you will need to add the ecosystem network: https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/blog/what-is-mtcg-1378152628772409352 tag them or our community channel in your original content with your wallet address. --- MemeWars Chat: https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#MemeWars:minds.com --- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report users in this area, or this area itself follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from that user, and leave this area immediately ; this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms ---- Meme wars! Freedom to meme! The original #Memes #Gif #Gifs #MindsGaming #minds #MemeWars
Welcome to a group dedicated to sharing content that is essential to the Awakening, Inspiration and empowerment of a heavily sedated planet. A huge Thank-you to all members passive and active for your attention to the messages which you find here and for your contributions in helping this group to grow. This group is all about Awakening and Empowering the world in a Peaceful / Non-violent way and any posts which call for violence or the support of it (in any way) will be removed. Your host Brian @PhilosophicalAwakening The top contributors are: @JoWhy @MindCom @EricDubay @sharingnightmares @Truth101 @SuperFurryNova @Gediganspirit @Neil_R_Sperling @Emileah @CopperCladLad @Innerverse @Alpha_Furyan @NandoMando @JadeFarrington @PositiveSynergy @arPos @John_Does @ARTofDiNoandDART @AkaCosmin @ThoughtRevolution @AnaSophia @ChrisDoogood @Leskova55 @EricDubay
Mar 2019
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