
James Corbett is the editor of The Corbett Report. This is the official Corbett Report Minds account. http://corbettreport.com
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Vaccine Resistance Movement is a grass roots, non-profit organization striving for safe alternatives to vaccines; both empowering citizens around the world with the means of self sufficiency while determined to expose vaccine fraud & pharmaceutical industry malfeasance. I began this initiative with one primary intention, awakening people around the world to their own inherent power. VRM is energized with the support of a growing community of activists learning how to stand independent of Corporate & Gov’t misdirection. We are at a cross roads in history. Our basic freedoms, those which we possess from birth are now being challenged globally. The inherent right to sovrenty/sovereignty of the body is certainly one of them. The World Health Organization, acting in co-ordination with 194 signatory nations means to crush those rights and reshape the very essence of life as we know it by claiming ownership over self determination of our own bodies. Never has a groundswell of this magnitude been so prescient, never has the urgency of our times demanded greater action, or threatened the very fabric of our existence to such an extent. And the people are finally waking up and discovering the real meaning of freedom! ‘We the undersigned, as Freemen & Freewomen, do not recognize the authority of The World Health Organization (WHO) to mandate general forced vaccinations. Our bodies are sovereign territory and subject to our exclusive self-determination. Any attempted violation of this trust must be construed as a breach of said basic right. We are thus holding our elected Governments accountable in this defense with an issuance of notice: a preemptive Class Action Lawsuit to be served in the event our inalienable rights to choose are forsaken.’ - Excerpt from A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS VACCINE RESISTANCE MOVEMENT MISSION STATEMENT: The Vaccine Resistance Movement has evolved four primary goals: 1) Exposing vaccine fraud & Industry/Media/Gov’t malfeasance. 2) Providing the most complete source of safe alternatives to vaccines available. 3) Preparing for multiple Class Action Lawsuits to be served to our respective Health Agencies around the world. 4) Identifying the real cause & cure for Autism. VRM Articles http://vaccineresistancemovement.org/ VRM LAUNCHES WORLDWIDE AUTISM STUDY: It is our goal, through this study, to determine an accurate percentage of those unvaccinated autistic children & adults vs. those unvaccinated children & adults who have not become autistic. Essentially what we are trying to identify is the healthy trend in unvaccinated children & adults. Based on the Centre For Disease Control’s ‘Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 0 Through 6 Years—United States • 2010′. We are also charting the common denominators in those vaccinated children & adults who became autistic (ie. vaccines received, dietary issues, family health problems, breast/bottle feeding) vs. those vaccinated children & adults who did not become autistic (diet, family health history cross referenced, breast/bottle feeding). As this is a worldwide census type study it is felt the CDC 0-6 model comes closest to an official standard to which most nations subscribe. Direct link to study: http://study.vaccineresistancemovement.org/
Education & outreach coordinator for the HepB Education Network.
Rebel, investigative journalist, truthsayer, student of life. Erin Elizabeth is a long time activist with a passion for the healing arts, working in that arena for a quarter century. Her site HealthNutNews.com is barely 4 years old, but cracked the top 20 Natural Health sites worldwide. She is an author, public speaker, and has recently done some TV and film programs for some of her original work which have attracted international media coverage. Erin was the recipient for the Doctors Who Rock "Truth in Journalism award for 2017. You can get Erin’s free e-book here and also watch a short documentary on how she overcame vaccine injuries, Lyme disease, significant weight gain, and more. Follow Erin on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.P.S. You can subscribe to her Youtube Channel for breaking news, television appearances and more. /// Missed a live report? Want to watch past videos? My Youtube channel .. https://www.youtube.com/user/rawfoodsretreat/featured ---///--- Thank You to all my supporters and subscribers and to all of you showing that extra love (tokens) here on Minds. ////////////////////////////////////////////// WALL of HONOR For Repeated and Generous contributions; @GreenDeen @Israphel @GenXpat @r3k4b @FretzCapo @FloatingOnSmiles @karl_haynes @JimKalles(admin)
Activist mom sick of being censored
Vaccine injuries are real. Vaccine deaths are not rare. What mainstream media will not show you.
Sep 2020
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