a better world for all is within reach

A citizen of the world who believes a better system is within reach. That system will enable people to tap their creativity for the benefit of everyone and will be debt free and money free with resources allocated intelligently and fairly.
I believe in one world, one people, one consciousness.
Happiness depends on what you can give. Not what you can get.
Resource Based Economy And Zeitgeist
The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a collective embodiment of Unconditional Love. Our purpose is to empower the Human Race with effortless access to all forms of nourishment and tools for mental, physical, and spiritual Sovereignty. We believe we are ascending beyond the need for non-consensual governance, fear and concepts of scarcity. We have chosen to create and empower new systems of global, sustainable, ethical and transparent cooperative governance and resource distribution. We are co-creating these new ways of being by unifying all those who choose alignment with unconditional support and compassion. By bringing together ecovillages, revolutionary technology companies, humanitarian organizations, political and environmental activists, spiritual practitioners, temples, artists and cooperative businesses we are growing a foundation for global solutionary empowerment, peace and abundance. You are invited to rise up and empower yourself with us as we create an Abundant and Peaceful World that provides for all of its People. Should you choose to accept this invitation, please comment below with a declaration of your support by sharing your intentions. More details on the people, networks and organizations we are connecting can be found here http://www.tribeofawakeningsovereignty.com/updates/awakening-sovereignty-collaborative-network/
Feb 2016
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