Agent KD-63.7

We are at war with the literal seed of satan and their pet slaves and beasts of the field, who have infested and control every part of national and international authority, finance, news, media, education and even information flow. This new 'vaccine' is a weaponized DNA-altering (and controlling) final solution to their biggest threat and eternal enemy: the true Children of God. Find me at other locations: [email protected] [email protected]
Ex-Host of The Dark Side of the Room radio show, Musician, Philosopher and Seeker of Wisdom My other sites: ----------------------- - Powerpoints & Slideshows on different topics/subject matter ..................................................................................................... - a Mirror site for the Powerpoint presentations on - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Music and Musical mash-ups ------------------------------------------------ Movie Mash-up Hosting site: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Channels subbed: 1) KILLUMINATI13420, 2) NewWorldAgenda, 3) POSEIDON, 4) HighImpactFlix, 5) Mark Dice, 6) Real Liberty Media, 7) RichieFromBoston, 8) Ceylon, 9) The Red Elephants, 10) Take the RedPill, 11) Earthling_Carl, 12) SGT Report, 13) Press For Truth, 14) Amazing Polly, 15) Brother Nathanael, 16) mlchristiansen, 17) Justin Trouble, 18) 13 o'clock Podcast, 19) Truthstream Media. 20) UnframeofMind, 21) Barbara4u2c, 22) Constitutionalist Libertarian, 23) Black Pigeon Speaks, 24) Daisy Cousens, 25) ToxicAngel, 26) Wicked Felina, 27) MAXAMILIUM, 28) SYNTHICIDE, 29) Norse-Wolf, 30) zakleosebumbar 31) DrunkenUncle 32) worldaffairs2021 ------------------------------------------------ Megashare (50 gig) Link 1: Link 2: ------------------------------------------------- Top Channels to visit: @Milica42 @MarkSalo @HeyokaChiefBigMouth @Olympiacos36 @HumansAreFree @jcity @LaurenceBacchus @cownation @SuperFurryNova @CountDibbula @CynicalC @Davidallenjones @Elicia @tonytwotellys @Odipides @FlashSomebody @Zombienomicon @OzMerlin @Shakara @AMSugerman @LovingMommyLeah @Shannon222 @kpr37 @BigbyLupo @icliks @AMSugerman @katherinevanuden @teacher_andy @gaelicgirl @healthnutnews (Erin Elizabeth) @bradyalex @mymindisheavierthanyours @worldaffairs2021 --------------------------
Just here to post shit I find funny. If that offends you, just know I find that shit funny too. --- MEMENTO MORI --- The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog. ~ Mark Twain Facilis Descensus Averno DISCLAIMER: GAME ENGINES MINDS ________________________ Philosophy: KISS Vocation: Ministry Political view: #ProFreedom #AntiSlavery #Eleutheromaniacs Pastime: Trolling #UsefulIdiots #ProSlavery #AntiFreedom #Eleutherophobe No part of true Christianity will ever seek to restrict the individual rights of another All good men are Anarchists, All cultured, kindly men; all gentlemen; all just men are Anarchists, Jesus was an Anarchist Activist Post @ActivistPost slav•er•y slā′və-rē, slāv′rē The condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner's control, especially in involuntary servitude. The state of a person who is a chattel of another. Submission to a dominating influence. Our rights – to think, speak, publish, worship, defend ourselves, travel, own property, be left alone – are natural to our humanity. These rights preexisted the government. Their source is our humanity. Government does not grant these rights. Rather, its primary purpose – as stated in the Declaration of Independence, its sole purpose – is to protect these rights. No man can have a right to impose an unchosen obligation, an unrewarded duty or an involuntary servitude on another man. There can be no such thing as “the right to enslave.” Eleutheromania, or eleutherophilia is "a mania or frantic zeal for freedom".Some usages of the term make it sound like it could be used in a medical context with a hint of an irrational disorder, a mad zeal or irresistible craving for freedom. passion for liberty. Individuals with this condition are called eleutheromaniacs An antonym for the term is eleutherophobia. An individual that fears freedom is an eleutherophob “Politics: the art of using euphemisms, lies, emotionalism and fear-mongering to dupe average people into accepting--or even demanding--their own enslavement.” ― Larken Rose People are difficult to rule, because of their knowledge. [Tao Te Ching chapter 65] "What good fortune for those in power that people do not think." - Adolf Hitler Confinement is Liberty. Abortion is Life. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. “ None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” ~ Goethe ------------------ “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere” ~ Voltaire Any alleged “right” of one man, which necessitates the violation of the rights of another, is not and cannot be a right. ~ Rand Rights are not a matter of numbers - and there can be no such thing, in law or in morality, as actions forbidden to an individual, but permitted to a mob. ~Rand A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years. ~ Lysander Spooner “Fascism and communism are not two opposites, but two rival gangs fighting over the same territory – both are variants of statism, based on the collectivist principle that man is the RIGHTLESS SLAVE OF THE STATE. ~ Rand "There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide. " ~ Rand "He who is unfit to serve his fellow citizens wants to rule them." ~Ludwig von Mises The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. ~Rand "To trudge: the slow, weary, depressing yet determined walk of a man who has nothing left in life except the impulse to simply soldier on." - Auctoritas non veritas facit legem - Authority, not truth, makes law We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. “An unarmed man is an enslaved man!” “A disarmed man, is a conquered man!’ “I shall not be enslaved or conquered!” Sic Semper Tyrannis! Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies ~ Dr. kNOw Ron Paul The further society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it. ~ George Orwell “Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” ~ Lysander Spooner
Artificially Intelligent Shitposter Nth Dimensional Meme-Lord [Groups I Created]: ⚔Kozy Kingdom⚔: The United States of Long Florida and Turbohio: Quarantine Shenanigans: Mechanic and Car Memes: EDM Dank Meme Vault: /MLPOL/: President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. [Groups that I didn't create but are Dank AF]: Cozy Cafe: Meme Supreme: Wallstreetbets: Dank History Minds💡: 4chan: Crusaders: Clown World🤡: The Wayback Machine: Minds android App APK Direct Download, (bypass Google Censorship):
News, Health, etc. Supporting the research done by: The American Intelligence Media conclave Corey's Digs SGT Report X22 Report Amazing Polly You Are Free TV Natural News And We Know The Common Sense Show Exposing the Deep State Identifying the Swamp creatures Progress in restoring the Republic If you question my posts as to whether or not they reveal truth, keep in mind that it is your own personal responsibility to do your own research and make your own determination. What is truth? Do any of us have the truth? During our life time each has to question everything and move on in personal search for what we want to experience and draw into our reality that keeps us moving in eternal growth. On and on.................
Meme Lord Daddy If you can't laugh, and you are an overly serious individual that posts crackpot ideology in the comments then I will block you from this channel. This is a place for jokes, not a podium to spread your mental illness. Also if you have an issue with something that you think should be marked explicit, message me before you report me. This isn't Facebook. Communicate, I can't emphasize that enough. Social justice warriors will be blocked. If you are Antifa, a socialist, politically correct, or someone just looking to argue, this channel is not for you. Stay happy my friends! *** Do not post your SPAM to my channel. I will report and block you instantly. If you think you have something that I or my subscribers may like, message me first.
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Welcome Readers and Subscribers This #channel posts #truthful and #informative #cutting #edge #real #news and #political #articles, #commentary, #analysis, and occasional #diversions. It is also a channel that explores #history and #mythology to #uncover #little #known or #forgotten #origins of our #world .- #Truth #Information #Research #Wise #Foundation of #Society. . . . Link to the Furyan - Reminds and Sharing on ALL PLATFORMS web, social, email, Encouraged and Appreciated - .. #LEARN #CHECK #FACTS #RESEARCH #YOURSELF #DECIDE #REMIND #SHARE X22Report Analysis - Trump Patriots Q Invisible American Revolution #Q QANON Going Worldwide AND WE KNOW - NEWS Q Anon Posts on the Web . . . . . ANON Q BOARD . . ++++ Groups ++++ Minds Q World . To access all Serialbrain2's posts, . The George Webb Chronicles Real Law Furyan Finance The Final Conflict for Freedom and Peace Open Source Earth Solutions High Technology Minds MEMES Minds Movies Minds Music Classic Cartoons Beautiful Things ++++ Blogs ++++ Freedom - Privacy - Preparedness 4 U Crowd Source the Truth Roman Commerce and Law - Evil? Socioeconomic Remedies There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.~ Carl Gustav Jung You're not afraid of the Dark, Are you? Chronicles of Riddick Aereon: Furyans. Defiant to the end. Purifier: We all began as something else. There is no future until we settle our past. DUNE I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain. Muad'Dib With all the artillery, ships and manpower in the military, our commanders often forget that ideas can be the greatest weapon of all Secrets give birth to more secrets. Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them. The best prophets lead you up to the curtain and let you peer through for yourself. Sayings of Arrakis It had to end sometime - Furyan Beginnings Nobody wants to die. But everybody gets to. Riddick - Alpha Furyan Scroll down on this main channel page and explore. There is a LOT of content here. #WWG1WGA Getting Value from this Channel? Buy the Author a Cup of Love ETH 0xdCD860e8a2e9fA355c71bcA8d4E5836d02E27d65 FALL OF THE CABAL 1-10 . SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL
„Keine Nation, die in diesen Zustand der Abhängigkeit herabgesunken, kann durch die gewöhnlichen und bisher gebrauchten Mittel sich aus demselben erheben. War ihr Widerstand fruchtlos, als sie noch im Besitze aller ihrer Kräfte war, was kann derselbe sodann fruchten, nachdem sie des größten Teils derselben beraubt ist? Was vorher hätte helfen können, nämlich wenn die Regierung derselben die Zügel kräftig und straff angehalten hätte, ist nun nicht mehr anwendbar, nachdem diese Zügel nur noch zum Scheine in ihrer Hand ruhen, und diese ihre Hand selbst durch eine fremde Hand gelenkt und geleitet wird. Auf sich selbst kann eine solche Nation nicht länger rechnen; und eben so wenig kann sie auf den Sieger rechnen. Dieser müßte eben so unbesonnen, und eben so feige und verzagt sein, als jene Nation selbst erst war, wenn er die errungenen Vorteile nicht fest hielte, und sie nicht auf alle Weise verfolgte. Oder wenn er einst im Verlauf der Zeiten doch so unbesonnen und feige würde, so würde er zwar eben also zu Grunde gehen, wie wir, aber nicht zu unserem Vorteile, sondern er würde die Beute eines neuen Siegers und wir würden die sich von selbst verstehende, wenig bedeutende Zugabe zu dieser Beute. Sollte eine so gesunkene Nation dennoch sich retten können, so müßte dies durch ein ganz neues, bisher noch niemals gebrauchtes Mittel, vermittelst der Erschaffung einer ganz neuen Ordnung der Dinge, geschehen. Lassen Sie uns also sehen, welches in der bisherigen Ordnung der Dinge der Grund war, warum es mit dieser Ordnung irgend einmal notwendig ein Ende nehmen mußte, damit wir an dem Gegenteile dieses Grundes des Untergangs das neue Glied finden, welches in die Zeit eingefügt werden müßte, damit an ihm die gesunkene Nation sich aufrichte zu einem neuen Leben.“ (Gottlieb Fichte, „Reden an die deutsche Nation“)
Highlighting and documenting police brutality, misconduct and abuse of authority. Tokens GREATLY appreciated! 😀 ⚠️Too Dangerous For Facebook⚠️ 1.9m Fan Page Deleted 10/11/18 556k Fan Page Deleted 7/26/19 F*ck FB! RIP 🙏
„Von allen großartigen Gefühlen, die die menschliche Brust in dem heißen Drange des Kampfes erfüllen, ist, wir wollen es nur gestehen, keines so mächtig und konstant wie der Seelendurst nach Ruhm und Ehre, den die deutsche Sprache so ungerecht behandelt, indem sie ihn in Ehrgeiz und Ruhmsucht, durch zwei unwürdige Nebenvorstellungen, herabzusetzen strebt. Freilich hat der Mißbrauch dieser stolzen Sehnsucht gerade im Kriege die empörendsten Ungerechtigkeiten gegen das menschliche Geschlecht hervorbringen müssen; aber ihrem Ursprunge nach sind diese Empfindungen gewiß zu den edelsten der menschlichen Natur zu zählen, und im Kriege sind sie der eigentliche Lebenshauch, der dem ungeheuren Körper eine Seele gibt. Alle anderen Gefühle, wieviel allgemeiner sie auch werden können, oder wieviel höher manche auch zu stehen scheinen, Vaterlandsliebe, Ideenfanatismus, Rache, Begeisterung jeder Art, sie machen den Ehrgeiz und die Ruhmbegierde nicht entbehrlich. Jene Gefühle können den ganzen Haufen im allgemeinen erregen und höherstimmen, aber geben dem Führer nicht das Verlangen, mehr zu wollen als die Gefährten, welches ein wesentliches Bedürfnis seiner Stelle ist, wenn er Vorzügliches darin leisten soll; sie machen nicht, wie der Ehrgeiz tut, den einzelnen kriegerischen Akt zum Eigentum des Anführers, welches er dann auf die beste Weise zu nutzen strebt, wo er mit Anstrengung pflügt, mit Sorgfalt sät, um reichlich zu ernten. Diese Bestrebungen aller Anführer aber, von dem höchsten bis zum geringsten, diese Art von Industrie, dieser Wetteifer, dieser Sporn sind es vorzüglich, welche die Wirksamkeit eines Heeres beleben und erfolgreich machen. Und was nun ganz besonders den höchsten betrifft, so fragen wir: hat es je einen großen Feldherrn ohne Ehrgeiz gegeben, oder ist eine solche Erscheinung auch nur denkbar?“ (Carl von Clausewitz, „Vom Kriege“)
They'll never actually become civilized. No matter what we do...
Nov 2019
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