See: Agent X:11

SEE: Researcher/Writer Born into MKULTRA, CIA black ops; I am the actual 11 depicted in Stranger Things; I was married to Dr. Xenos; Xenos means Stranger Xenotransplantation is the transference of genetic materials from one SPECIES to another. Dr. X took my fetuses and ovum and with my evil brother John "Mengele" took my genetic materials & made babies and clones. The XFiles was started on a wiggy case of xenotransplantation filed under X in the file cabinet. I was raised by Hitlers, Eichmans, Mengeles & Speers. Now heads of CIA NSA NASA and MKULTRA. My evil brother John is head of MKULTRA, twined with me & Dr. Michael Aquino, church of SET. Joseph Mengele is my actual family. John looks like Joseph, I look like Irene Mengele and my brother David, murdered by the CIA, looked like their son, Rolf. I resided, caged at Montauk, Langley & Area51 as a child. Web:; twitter: Shepardout
Independent Investigator
The ideas and musings of a free people trapped in an imaginary boundary marked by tyranny. Broadcasting from FEMA Region 10 we are Region X Radio
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I'm a skeptic who does his best to find and share truth. I deal with the mainstream and alt media when necessary. I also research and expose PSYOPS. Occasionally, I call out divisive ideological groups like the Manosphere, modern feminism, and all race baiters. Although I will usually try to avoid those things and focus on the elite, their lies and all awful things they do behind the scenes. thank you are checking out my channel. Make yourself at home. You may also see my graphic design work, music, and possibly some writing beyond just my scripted videos and blog posts. As well as some tech videos, as tech is an interest of mine. So I hope you enjoy that too. If I go through a long period of inactivity, it's happening for a reason. Here are some other places you can find me if you're interested:
Oct 2019
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