
Former ZOG enforcer, now freelancer "Russian" Jew, Israeli, conservative traditionalist. Trusts in the Lord, believes in freedom of choice.
Primordial lewdposter of minds. Artworks featured here are sometimes slightly edited (watermarks removed, colors enhanced, etc.) My ar(t)chive: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1226428635092373504/feed
Outreach Advocacy of Kekistan Nation who help bold freedom, individual rights, accurate history, heritage and unique culture. We also focus on many topics, like new ideas, quality of life and humor. Other focus areas include New Society Trends, Positive Ideas, Law, Culture, Study of Logic, Humor, Communications, Creative Efforts, Art, Music, Technology, Engineering, Start Ups, Advocacy of Freedom, and Research thereof. Please send a tip if you like our efforts. Freedom Priority: We support true bold freedom. We also support the freedom such as indicated within the developing Kekistan Constitution; and U.S.A. Constitution and by the Free Citizens (True 4th Branch) of U.S.A.; and within the United Kingdom (U.K.)'s Magna Carta Libertatum, the Bill of Rights 1689, the Human Rights Act of 1998; and within the Scotland Acts 1998 & 2016; and within the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation; and within the developing Hong Kong's articles of self determination declarations. Email: [email protected] This is our MINDS Channel, but other sites and platforms are available from KEK Freedom Heritage; and we work on variety of subjects
warning I am a shit lord! 18+ nsfw my pronouns is troll/shitposter/weeb 🖕🇺🇸🏴🏴‍☠️ I shitpost anime shit, memes shit, political shit, deep shit, and anything that’s on my mind. (art/memes are not mine) if easily offended I am not for you. For me it’s just about getting out of the cult of Overton and his window.
common sense with blackjack and hookers
Не люблю французов с их прижимистостью и эгоизмом, Не люблю арабов с их маслянистым взором и фанатизмом, Не люблю евреев с их нахальством и самоуверенностью, Англичан с их снобизмом, скукой и благонамеренностью, Немцев с их жестокостью и грубостью, Итальянцев с плутовством и глупостью, Русских с окаянством, хамством и пьянством, Не люблю испанцев, с тупостью их и чванством, Северные не люблю народности По причине их профессиональной непригодности, И южные, пребывающие в оцепенении, Переводчик, не переводи это стихотворение, Барабаны, бубны не люблю, африканские маски, турецкие сабли, Неужели вам нравятся фольклорные ансамбли, Фет на вопрос, к какому бы он хотел принадлежать народу, Отвечал: ни к какому. Любил природу. Александр Кушнер
Иван Ильин @illyn: it-редактор, новостник, иллюстратор.
Из ниоткуда в никуда.
Jan 2021
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