Hypnotize Feminists

hiya faggots
Avid reader and a lover of good music.
Physical removal advocate.
H8 Gab? #gabisgayasfuck Where to steal my Memes #memesbyfedra If I'm not here I'm Stealing Memes on https://gab.com/FedraFarmer I Am An Old Hippie-and an actual farmer, and a snarky bastard. I enjoy pointing out logical fallacies, psychotic projections, cognitive dissonance, Gingers, and long walks on the beach. Tell me what opinion you hold dear and I'll tell you why you are wrong. Politics- If you think you know my politics by a random post ... you'd be wrong. Basically anti-(R)atbastar(D). Favorite Targets - Libtards. You can decide for yourself when/if I am being literal or figurative. I Sub to interesting people especially those who like to fight. My Favorite Groups on Minds: (Gabbers) My Gab Group While I'm in Exile https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/903329967967576064 --------------------------------------------------- (60's Music) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/615562234684256275/activity (70's Music) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/615668225862021135/activity (80's Music) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/615668418976165897 --------------------------------------------------- Helpful/Useful Groups/People ************************** (FAQ) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/567412236763541504/activity ---------------------------------------------------- (Feature Request) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/474014579341402112/activity (Launching Area) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/568141108547166208/activity (Community Resources) This guy is a Minds Beta Volunteer. His Bio has a lot of useful links. Send him some Love. https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming
- Spread love in these dark times with: https://bibleproject.com/ - Learn how to write: https://essay.app/ - Fix your failings here: https://www.selfauthoring.com/ - Learn how to play a violin: https://m.violinspiration.com/ - Be aware and prepared: https://www.askaprepper.com/ ABOVE ALL, SPREAD LOVE AND BE HAPPY NO MATTER WHAT THIS NASTY WORLD THROWS AT YOU. God Bless.
Millennial #NRA Chick + Raegan is my Witchy name - My family came to Philadelphia in 1729 from the Rhineland-Palatinate. Their children fought for America's Independence! > ~ #MAGA ~ #Trump #1A #2A #Christian #ProLife #WeThePeople ~ (ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ) ~ #GabFam #GabGirls
Traveling the Universe of Femininity translated to malespeak: "Logbook by an unapologetic Female"
I am one, or the other. Sober, and Not sober. https://gab.com/wanheda
In #GabExile. Why do the heathens rage against the anointed? #GabFam #Christian
💕🍭Sugar&Spice 🔥💋 🎀Alanna🎀 ❌❌ #art #fashion #photography #puppies #kitties etc. active member since 6*14*18
Oct 2018
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