
speak the truth
Free Thinker. Guided by Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Sowell. I make videos about the classics. Classic Science Fiction Books. Classic Rock Music with a focus on the 1970's, but also from other eras. Classic Movies and TV. And diversions into Gaming, Pop Culture, and anything else that takes my fancy. I hope you enjoy the content as it builds!
Freedom loving asshole
Photographer World of mushrooms group: All my content marked with #myphoto is original. Thank you for tips and everything !!!
making videos and taking pictures ,started on film and still getting use to digital photograph.
I think, therefore I am!
“If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person
Technology, IT, Open Source
Bio Welcome. My name is Alice Koh. Happily married. I teach yoga and reiki. I'm a therapist for physical and physiological ailments and also a wire artist. All jewelry pieces in my shop are specially handcrafted by me. I love to share the amazing history and metaphysical benefits of precious and semi-precious stones. They are sacred as they hold the imprints and energies of primordial Earth. Please like my articles if you find them informative. Also subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much. Note: photos on this channel unless otherwise stated are taken from the internet. I try as much as I can to credit the source to its rightful owner. Any research papers written, unless otherwise stated, are mine and are not to be duplicated without my permission. Peace and blessings to all of you ❤ Please visit my shop @ #crystals #energyhealing #spirituality #reiki #yoga
Dec 2021
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