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Do you want to expand your awareness and develop spiritually? "Matrixxer" is the project of Shiva Suraya and Jonathan Dilas.
Who mainly deal with the topic "Exit from the Matrix" and thus offer seekers the opportunity to show the ways to the Matrix and the Leave the reincarnation cycle.
The more people awaken, the weaker the side that tries to keep us trapped here.
Together we can tear portals into the electromagnetic grid that takes us into the free universe and out of the matrix.
We hope that people can unite and thus contribute to the good of mankind.
Yours Shiva & Jonathan
"The Matrixxer"
Interdimensional Traveling
Out of body experiences & Lucid Dreams
Activation of the pineal gland and decalcification of the pineal gland
Activate self-healing
Learn the dissociation
Leave the matrix
True Self vs. Ego
UFOs, aliens & natural beings
Inner Earth and Hollow Earth
Rising Consciousness
Awakening to unconditional Love
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