Warriors Of The Light

Truth Sec | Nameless Collective | Linux Operator | Trutherbot | Warriors of The Light |
Hi, i'm nipi from Germany and we are Legion :) 01.01.2018 im vegan.:) I'm a drawing Artist, pencil Portraits, Graffiti, ...and together we change the World. :D
A 21 year old aspiring artist...that's it. If you'd like to get in contact, just send me a message or email me at [email protected] #Art #Manga #memes #bubblegumbitch #Msbubblegumbitch
Me: Author, Activist, Asshat, & head enhanced being of Casa de Rhyno. ------------------------------------------------------ My future world view: The world I'm fight for: Everyone one having clean food / clothing / shelter / full access to education / health-care / clean-air / clean-water / clean soil / no-human- driven-extinction / free & open communication / peace / progress ... Star Trek with better fashion. My Pages: ------------------------------------------------------ Sick&Single, Surviving&Thriving https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/680138901406359566/activity Snowflake from Hell: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/682470165975146505 Earth Worshipers: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/682376124306563079 i made a meme: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/685994025643155467 Author Page: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/687446113174691841 Black Dagger Brotherhood: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/684601360938704908 Fast & Easy food: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/688047243051147274 28 days to live: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/733588545674944521 Missa's Random Pics: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/737790834283388928 ----------------------------------------------------- Extras: Political Affiliation: ALT-Green. Love the Earth - defend her with guns. Note: I a bit on the autistic scale so I ask lots of questions. Many of these question seem strange because I don't assume what your words are suppose to mean, SO I will need clarification. With this, I also try my best to give my side of things with side-bars and (). Thank you. __________________ #MissaDixon #Rhyno #ALT-Green #s3t #BDB #DebateDixon #resist
The Young Turks perpetrated the Ottoman Genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and Pontic Greeks. Cenk Uygur has a long history of Armenian Holocaust denial. The main aim of this channel is to educate people about Cenk's abysmal record, to get Cenk to finally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide (hopefully on or before Genocide Memorial Day the 24th April) and to put pressure on The Young Turks to change the disgraceful name of their show.
Minds went full Fakebook. BEWARE! There will be consequences to giving out your or your friend's phone number (ID). Don't be fooled by fake guarantees of 'nobody's collecting anything', someone is. That's what all the corporate social media sites said as well at the beginning. You are signing your own warrant. F.CK FANTASY PEANUT TOKENS Wake up, you are never going to make any meaningful income posting on social media unless you become just another spammer. It's just to keep you busy and all of your most successful efforts will be stolen and reposted using bots. There are other ways to have 2FA than simply to give away your ID. If Minds supports free speech then why am i shadow banned? Member since 2015, contributed many things, trust me i know what they're doing.
👄Be Sexy Stay Classy👄
Feb 2017
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