Christian, Farther of 16, USMarine, retired State Trooper, active shooter instructor, volunteer Firefighter, alderman and the husband to the most awesome Wife a man could ever have.
Discord: ArthurDank#6305
Twitter: @PrinceCaimm
Steam/PSN: ArthurDank
If your a minor, stay off my page, AO rating overhere
Loli/Shota isn't CP, miss me with that BS
I will post whatever lewds and porn/hentai I want and say what I want, if thats a problem then you shouldn't stick around, if it isn't then good to meet you
An animal lover loves without expecting anything in return. His love is pure and pure. It has endless feelings inside. They love in the most beautiful form of love. When you meet someone like this, he will put into you, what is meant, what pure and eternal love is.