Englishman, mid 50's, lived in southern Africa for years, these days in beautiful Australia.
Former professional infantry soldier. published writer, have worked at sea. Agnostic (cultural Christian) right of centre politically, generally reactionary and nationalist; these days dissident right. I love the natural world. Support wildlife conservation and animal welfare, like all dogs and a fair number of humans. I support ending all mass immigration into Great Britain, Australia and other Western nations
Dislikes: The regressive left, the unreformed Dark Ages ideology that is Islam (it is not a race and it is not just a religion) feminists and all things politically correct (and strongly associated attempts to destroy Western men and masculinity) adult babies who get 'triggered' by life, the idiotic and wasteful 'war on drugs', 99% of political types across all parties (generally speaking they lie for a living). censorship.
Likes: Free speech, the old Commonwealth (ie, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand and the Western democracy supporters of South Africa) the Anglosphere (ie, the English speaking world, including the USA) Brexit and British independence from the anti-democratic EU, Western democracy, Western civilisation, the Royal Navy (my son is serving in the Senior Service) strong defence forces that act as a deterrent to aggression and can win if you have to fight. Science, history, books, travel (been to almost 50 nations, lived on three continents) wild places, the ocean, reasonably cute women in short skirts and heels, Tradition (in the shape of things like Trooping the Colour, ANZAC Day parades and Naval Sunset ceremonies, it reminds us who we are, and what our, generally, proud history is) cricket, rugby union, sailing, humour.
Places I most love in the World, aside from Great Britain, Australia and South Africa (especially what is now KwaZulu-Natal) are the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. Check out my Youtube channel '99IronDuke'.
Nowa fala nacjonalizmu etnicznego.
The new wave of an ethnic nationalism.
Admin: Marcus Antonius
This profile is mostly in polish.
So if you want to know what I am writing here, hit me up for an english translation.
"Oh Vey! Remember the Six Gorrillian!"
- Shlomo Shekelbergstein
- Proud National Socialist
- Anti-Semitic
- Anti-Multiculturalist
- Anti-Racist
Editor and Spokesman for the National Political Institute of Education:
I am a National Socialist, not a Neo-Nazi thug. I do not parade the streets with a shiny bald head yelling "White Power" at the top of my lungs.
Unlike the Neo-Nazi's, I do not care what race you are. Whether you be black, brown, Asian or spacemonkey - as long as you do not threaten my nation and people - I will welcome you with open arms.
Best Wishes,
You can find me on Instagram here https://instagram.com/stop_whitegenocide?igshid=ewvf2rmymwra
My ancestors can be traced back to the time of Boudicca and Ragnar. I'm Celtic and Viking.
I'm Aussie, but ANGLO-SAXON first and foremost!
Occasional bitch.
I'm an AUSSIE woman! Not a feminist, but I come from women who are strong in mind and body! Misognists and I don't get on.
I'm all about Biopolitics: A political project oriented to a people’s biological and demographic imperatives. It includes family and population policy, restricting types of or all immigration, and addressing issues of public health and genetic well-being.
Just joined https://m.vk.com/id598436521
New website archive in progress... Very slow progress...
Essential Viewing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMCtzFUuTYL6-WLOJEwKw7k2AdaNnIbu9
Also, worth watching : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMCtzFUuTYL7RhU09g823bcVgIXyl7Yuf&feature=share
The following website archives I put together sometime ago. I've learnt more and my conclusions have changed over the years. My views and attitudes have changed over the years. The more I've learned, my thinking has changed. The overall message and motivation however has remained the same. I acknowledge my genetic collective is under attack.
I oppose genocide! I oppose the genocide of the "White" race. I oppose anti-White globalists. My people are my responsibility. That is all!
You can have free speech as far as I'm concerned, but censorship is completely up to the individual and I reserve my right to block accounts I don't want to associate with!
I'm the opposite of a supremacist. I'm a proud separatist.
Without your genetic collective, you cease to exist! Love your people! Beliefs are not facts. Genetics can be proven. Race over religion! But, not even one homogeneous race will adhere to one belief or political system. There must be separation between the races and all with opposing views for there to be peace!
We must agree to disagree and separate!
Proud Monarchist & Nationalist.
Feminine, not feminist.
« Je suis fatigué de ce continuel divorce entre moi et tout ce qui m'entoure. Je suis fatigué de l'indignation. J'ai soif de vivre au milieu d'autres gens que des malins, des canailles et des imbéciles. »
— Henry de Montherlant
«I distrust every idea that doesn’t seem obsolete and grotesque to my contemporaries.»
— Nicolás Gómez Dávila
« Who except God can give you peace?
Has the world ever been able
to satisfy the heart? »
— Saint Gerard Majella
« C'était un homme de l'ancien temps. Quand il avait parlé de Dieu, il avait mis la main à son chapeau et l'avait soulevé. »
— Barbey d'Aurevilly, L'Ensorcelée
« Sans les chefs, sans les saints,
sans les héros, sans les rois,
l'histoire est inintelligible.»
— Charles Maurras
«Car c’est cela que je hais, que je maudis et que j’abomine du plus profond de mon cœur: cette béatitude, ce confort, cet optimisme soigné, ce gras et prospère élevage du moyen, du médiocre et de l’ordinaire.»
— Hermann Hesse