Im a lover of freedom, medicine, clinical research Chicago sports teams & mystical Catholicism & Christianity. I feel that a Saint is someone who perseveres & gets back up after committing sin through the sacraments but mainly through the body & blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"...A dla nas chłopcy nieskończona gra
Bo przyszły los jest wciąż nieodgadniony
I wygrać może kto do końca trwa
A przegra ten kto bije dziś pokłony
Choć szaleńcami zwać by chcieli nas
Cośmy przeżyli nikt nam nie odbierze
Kto wolnym był przez krótki nawet czas
Nie żal mu potem pogrzeb mieć w Elsterze..."
Independent Journalist
“An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.”
― John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Way too many of you dumb fucks think this is an anti-Woman or MGTOW channel. It's not. You're probably just a fucking retard. The amount of completely insane dipshits that want to purchase a fake pussy engineered for medical use on MtF trannies, attach it to your Roomba, and call it your wife is disturbing. You're all dumber than niggers.
And where the fuck did all the AIDS spreading faggots come from? I'm not here to support you either. You go in the ovens too, right next to that dude and his "Johnny5 is alive" wife.
And I delete retard, faggot, and spam comments when I find them. You're not entitled to upvotes when you're comments fit any of those groups.
"Never approach a goat from the front,
a donkey from the rear and an idiot from any side" Ionian Islands proverb.
Expat living in Spain 🇪🇸. My world would have been much better if I could live in a country with 8% income tax, no social security, no state curriculum on education, culturally homogenous society with real motivation for voluntary philanthropy, gold standard, reliable banking system, safe neighborhoods, the majority of functionaries being replaced by a simple app, an army that could constantly train you in arms, tactics and how to be a man among men.