I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Welcome to my channel; Have a laugh at my expense, or maybe yours....
First Deadly Sin: The False Comparison
Second Deadly Sin: The Bad Example
Third Deadly sin: Ignorance as Proof
Fourth Deadly Sin: The Tautology
Fifth Deadly Sin: The False Choice
Sixth Deadly Sin: The Red Herring
Seventh Deadly Sin: The Wrong Ending
Γνῶθι σεαυτόν
Μηδὲν ἄγαν
Ἐγγύα πάρα δ Ἄτα
Now shh; go to sleep.🌑
Oh for those of you that want to stalk me further here is an alternative link to my bio