I'm an ex-drifter, a weirdo, I believe in Jesus Christ, I am a prodigal son, and I'm seeking to be of use to my local community and even the world at large.
There's more than meets the eye here I never really know what to rely on in myself because I've seen a lot of adversity at very different stages of my life and there have been very many!
I am trying to be coy about my philosophy, it's one of the most controversial things about me, that and my faith and my sometimes steely nature.
All my life I've either been on the edge or maybe a little past it. I've been accused of a number of conflicting things, it's grievous.
I hate bragging about myself and it is easy to disparage me because I'm a target. I can become seen or unseen, it's a long story. I've been to some strange places, it's straining.
I know what the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is and I rather dislike it.
In the past I've been mistaken for handsome and then I open my big mouth. No I'm very sacrosanct about vanity, or I try to be.
Persona: Mask
I grew up in TX. Ive lived Lots-of-places.
Currently watching "Raised by Wolves" - I enjoy making fun of Ridley Scott. Ugh I forgot why I grew to disdain this show... So now I'm watching something that doesn't offend me, but I find just as cringey. Honestly I don't really watch tv or movies for fun, it's like a critique or analytical process. I also find acting very interesting but I'm never going to be an actor. My dad was in a movie, you can guess which one it's in my pics...
Getting around to reading John Locke.
My character trope totem:
Hagrid from Harry Potter
Nightcrawler from the X-Men
A vulcan/romulan hybrid.
A dragon from a children's fable or song.
A Daywalker like Blade only I don't like vampires, they are gross and corny. I'm a Daywalker in the sense that my event horizon is very friendly. I'm clear enough that I can show you my working parts, you may not understand, I could tell you and what I don't say is a mercy.
I'm a veteran geek as well I just don't advertise. I remarked last year to my Mentor and ex-pastor "I was always a *seen kid* no not quite a scene kid, he agreed.
Lover of animals and very dog friendly. Unless a human interferes most dogs seem to like me. Sadly I'm trying to keep my houseplant from dying from excessive nutrition...
Oh and I'm trying to go into circuit board work...
Don't worry my autism itself doesn't bite, I'm well trained And I myself don't bite *much*, hohoho.
I won't tell you my astrological symbol but in the Chinese tradition I am an *Earth Dragon*. But I'm a *good* dragon.
Like Phoebe in friends I am shy-wild but these days I'm all about management and self control because that's the only way I can get any appreciation out of life and fullfil God's purpose in my life.
Check out my new pics!
Hebrews 11:3 for the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things that were seen were not made of things that do appear.
Also, God's thoughts are not man's thoughts.