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I am a Person of Light. My pronoun is PoL The one subject on earth in which humans are most involved; Humans. "Some lead by example, others gently guide their partners and try to get out of their way when possible, Even others reign over those they engage with like dictators. I do think however that one needs to be a Primus inter Pares. Or ‘First Among Equals’. One rule is to always work with people and see where they are better than you are at what they do; That also means you can not be a leader who thinks he is better than everybody else. If that would be the case you would’ve engaged with the wrong people." All video material is public domain bar rights claimed on extracts of 3rd partys within, I personally do not support their notions of copyright when talking about extracts nor the lifetime+99 years nonsensical "our idea was so original" bullshiite but I can't guarantee people will not make claims, user beware, if necessary I am willing to make a defense on any used content, as none is "in full as original" and none is "for sale product" and nor will they ever be. I will not make any copyright claims, ever on any material, feel free to use in whatever form in your ideas that build on mine which were build on others which were build on others; its what makes humans great.
Thinker, maker, gamer, Ripple follower
DO NOT SUBSCRIBE IF YOU ARE A SPAM BOT YOU WILL BE REPORTED AND BLOCKED Hey I like #flowers I also make YouTube and Minds videos occasionally. I am vegan, I love permaculture, photography, gaming somewhat, reggae and some styles of cloud rap. Fuck fascism and communism. I want to found a small tribalistic permaculture commune sometime in the future. If you donate a token to me I will put your name on my wall of fame for a week also :) Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @chesschats
Good vibes, good feelings and and great week to you! lets connect and share meaningful things!
Atheist, Anti-SJW/Feminist, Anti-Stupid.
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Dec 2016
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