Ariana Seamstress

I am a sewing teacher and mom from Southern Illinois!
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube:
Im a wife, mother, grandmother and a believer. John 14:6 I love life and try to bring positivity to a fallen world. @chrismadzier RIP 2-24-67-12-22-21 You will be truly missed my buddy. Minds member since April 2018.
Author of The Blackfire Chronicles volumes 1-3, the mystery/thriller Enders & Associates, Society’s House of Intractable Tension, and the collection of short stories French Press Sludge.
Joshua Done is a Washington State Fantasy and Science Fiction author.
Just one of those people who gets a kick from well-drawn art, well-written words and the little things in life.
Looking out for the positive in life... aren't you? ;) I like conversing with people, and if you haven't already guessed, I like joking around 😏So hit me up if you're into that. Also like sharing music n travels cuz those are 2 things I love and live by... ♡
I’m a cosplay seamstress, gamer, anime lover & vender of free range, organic memes...
Miniature painter, gamer, computer programmer, husband, father, follower of the Risen Lord. Not necessarily in that order.
Dutch/Lover of comics/supporter of Indie books. Subscribe to my Youtube channel:
Nov 2020
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