
cool ❤️
I like stuff. All kinds of different stuff and also things.
Decentralization Enthusiast
“Technology is both a tool for helping humans and for destroying them. This is the paradox of our times which we’re compelled to face.” - Frank Herbert
Christ follower, husband, and healthcare content writer seeking to enrich our world through messaging and other online means. Proudly keeping my advertising dollars away from Big Tech, and reinvesting them in free speech platforms. You can find me on as well
University student rejecting the culture of their "education"
Software Developer, Trekkie, and Techno Music, Economics, and VR Enthusiast
Believer in having a real platform to speak your MINDS!
Gamer 🎮, Art Lover 🎨, Culture Sophist 📣 Individualist with a dark sense. Occasional 👙NSFW, arbitrary and gratuitous.
MyDoge wallet: Chillgasm ADA Handle: $chillgasm Live gameplays: Twitter: thechillgasm
Trying to be philosophically consistent and self aware, liberty minded individual making snarky and/or insightful comments (hopefully). On occasion I will try to one up conspiracy theory types for shits, giggles and the unlikely chance they may gain some insight into how batshit crazy they really are. I also take photos of stuff. I intend my posts here show my evolution and improvement as a photographer and (hopefully) a trend slowly moving towards technical mastery and artistic expression. If I have one piece of advice it's "stop humoring racists/identiterians". They are objectively bad people, and you should stop assuming they're just ignorant or mistaken. They're adults, treat them like it.
Retired Firefighter- Do Christian outreach and ministry to the homeless. Take no money- EVER- offer all my teachings for free on all my cloud and Web Sites
Dec 2021
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