Peaceful Parent, Philosopher and Host of Freedomain, the world's largest philosophy conversation!
By the power of Ra... Mut...Nut...Khnum...Ptah...Nephthys...Nekhbet...Sobek...Sekhment...Sokar...Selket...Reshpu...Wadjet...Anubis...Anukis...Seshmu...Meshkent...Hemsut...Tefnut...Heket...Mafdet...Ra!!! Mut! Nut! Ptah! Hemsut! Tefnut! Sokar! Selket! Seshmu! Reshpu! Sobek! Wadjet! Heket! Mafdet! Nephthys! Nekhbet! Ra!!!
Capitalism doesn't need socialism to function.
"Bearing is a supplier of sarcastic satire"
- Styxhexenhammer666
Undoomed tricked me here... What can I say? He's the love of my life and partner in crime