
Daughter of Venus, Philosopher, Empath, and Advanced Angelic Healing Practitioner & White Witch. Sharing conscious living ideas and just getting my mystical, magical groove on with like Souls.
D'Oyen Fraser is a bio electromagnetic stimulation therapist, leptokinetic healer, author, and was formally trained in medical reiki, recieving a 200 hour teacher training certification. A pioneer in the field of energy healing. He has developed two methodologies Leptokinetic healing and higherself integration. He also created a step by step process geared towards increasing the human voltage and activating the full potential of the cellular healing. D'Oyen's human activation process manifests differently than most, commonly manifesting in the form of involuntary stimuli. While there are many forms of human activation, the involuntary stimuli signify to him that the human activation process is taking place. #spirituality #energyhealing #meditation #esoteric #healthyliving #gogreen
This is Sacred Space, I Am a Healer providing Energectic Deliverance and Herbal Autonomy💛 https://linktr.ee/CoachFaith88
https://www.oversightglobal.com/ Our personal & professional self-development tools are your next step towards success! https://www.oversightglobal.com/ Following a long career in the healthcare industry, I dedicated myself to learning the art of work-life balance and how to become better in my field. Once I learned the various measures I had to take to optimize my career and progress towards my full potential, I made it my mission to teach others how to do the same. I developed a comprehensive approach that combines awareness, self-care, goal setting, leadership, wellness and so much more. https://www.oversightglobal.com/
David Atkinson is an energy and consciousness worker specializing in Earth energies, Biofield tuning, Ghosts and more. Currently, travelling the world spreading light and practical skills.
Mystic working with the angels!! Offering spiritually-based intuitive guidance, messages, energy healing & clearings for individuals & families, homes/properties. spiritual coaching with the angels to assist your emotional healing journey, helping to reconnect you to your true self. #intuitive #healer #reiki #energyhealing
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Spiritual Awakening process....🕉️🧘🧘🧘
Shop Sacred geometry symbols of healing wall arts and circle print at Zurhy, USA. We have top varieties of modern art, creative art, meditative art & more.
Holistic Health Practitioner & Tarot Reader
Winds of change and creation
Mar 2023
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