
My Adventures.
Free Speaker. "The world under my feet". "El mundo a mis pies."
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Anti-Fragile! Q Sent Me. CanadianQ WWG1WGA #WeAreQ #WeThankQMrPresident #MK22 Lightworker, of Neutral Polarity The Royal Elite Empier's Duchess of Loyalty and Support #DuchessMK2020 We don't have to agree on everything to be friends. What we do need to agree on to be friends is that I know what's best for me, and you know what's best for you. We may all be sailing in the same ocean, but we're each captains of our own ship. #RiseUpCanada #WeWillNotComply #ReaserchTheCanadianCharterOfRights #TimeToOpenUpShop #StandUpForYourFreedomsOrHaveThemTakenFromYou Entrepreneur and Angel of Mercy Full Time Cryptocurrency Investment Trader CEO, Owner and Operator of: MK2020 I.T.T ( Investments/Trading/TRAINING ) Bitcoin Reciever Adress : 3LdG2g1gC42K1En66mpdioZ7U25JsBy83M All Donations Welcome. Only Bitcoin Will Save me Now! If the advice I give you Turns You a Big Return. Perhaps Youll Consider Returning the Favour in Our Connected Futures! I Give You the Financial Information You Need to Start Changing Your Life. And I Wont Charge You a Dime. My Company Survives by Donation, And Through My Own Blood, Sweat and Tears! Let me Give you the Information You Need. I..Want to Help You Help Yourself. Do Not Wait #DuchessMK2020 I am Awake...Are you?? Sacred Feminine. The Children Of Light. Bringer of Light to the Children of Men. From Darkness to Light Safe and Loved. Under The Firmament. They Have You Looking Up...So Youd Never Think to Look Down! We Are One. Live With Love! May Peace, Be With You. #yourfriendmk2020 MK22 Earth Angel. Self Control is Strength. Calmness is Mastery. You have to get to a Point where your Mood Doesn’t Shift on the Insignificant Actions of Someone Else. Don’t Allow Others to Control the Direction of Your Life. Don’t Allow Your Emotions to Over Power Your Intelligence. 2020 As Lost as Alice, As Mad as The Hatter Wise as a Serpant ... Innocent as a Dove. Friend to You All! Ready Willing and Able to Help You Achieve Your Goals of Becoming Bitcoin Rich! My Whole Heart and Soul goes Into Making You Money. I Will Not, Let You Down! I Have been Called a Catalyst. Which Means: 1.) A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process. 2.) One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences. #YourFriendMK2020 Id Reccomend to You .. My Browser : CryptoBrowser My Search Engine : Duck Duck Go My Meta Mask *** ALL OF WHICH CAN BE CHROME EXTENSIONS *** Coinbase Initiative Q Stellar Lummens Bitcoin Ethereum #MK22 #Anonymous #LiveWithLove #PeaceBeWithYou #LetsGetTheseTokensGuys! #HelpYourFellowMinds #Share #Subscribe #Comment #BeKindPleaseRemind @Weaver01 @sizzlinsista3 @JeffWilliams16 @Nannah420 @Elitestudios "The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." Amen Democide: Democide is a term proposed by R. J. Rummel since at least 1994 who defined it as "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command" Comment from DetaxCanada: “Capacity for” is not the same as “Having” rights and duties. The only ‘duties’ a free-will human has are those found in the negative and positive form of the Golden Rule – Do (or, do not) unto others as you would have (not have) others do unto you. Thus, for the free-will human, rights and duties come from the Creator Father, not from government. The “created” cannot dictate to the “creator” – and as the Declaration of Independence says: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, …” To Have a Donation for my piggy bank. Would Bring me Great Happiness and Humble me before your generosities. I Thank You, In Advance. #YourFriendMK #MK22 Bitcoin Reciever Address: 3LdG2g1gC42K1En66mpdioZ7U25JsBy83M Ethereum Reciever Address: 0xf40bbbf3c91cbF9A70163041b278cE509f1255a0 #FibromyalgiaAwarness #FibromyalgiaFundraiser We all have free will, we are all born free. We are infinite and eternal beings. We do not have to take part in their system. We do not have to be shame slaves. We are not just a vote and a social security number to be taxed and worked to death! Keep pushing the needle, take a stand, opt out of their system, don’t support their lies. Take a stand for natural law and
Writing about almost anything
The formula of all quant universes and its open source program that shows a slice of the real cosmos we live on are on Earth already in 2 variants, from the great fractal towards the unified laws of physics and the map of the multiverse, and, from the simplest abstract math rules forming the multigraph upon which our physics and the cosmic multiverse is one of the manifests of emergent 3 dimensionality. The #FractalUniverseRevolution is Unstoppable! I am a collection of replaceable human (mi & mi friends) and technological (mi pici, the internetz, dis site) components, collaborating to provide the substrate for the evolution of #BAUniC and #FractalUniverseRevolution. Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC is a collaborative/competitive/challenging friendly Earth meant to grow our knowledge about the fractal base of reality, augmenting our imagination, evolving language to better express ideas and concepts. Any donation will be used to promote #BAUniC and #FractalUniverseRevolution in the same obsessive way it was always done, or better, as I grow into this skin.
Hello ! Nice To Meet You All . Have a good time on Minds. I am trying to grow up my Channel. So if you like my pictures . Just gift me your vote or remind it . Thank you for that. If you dont like just ignore it. Dont be being your self a bad person. Thank you ! @ottman is The Great Minds Maker. Thank You Him Very Much. Admins @jack @john etc.... Please ! Join to Group ! @LeThinh - Best English Poem and Gif @JamesN- THE BEST GIFS ON MINDS @NguoiThanhDat - A platform on Minds of life knowledge @Qomplainerz - Good Channel @songnuocmientay - Good English and Vietnamese Poem @Ronaldmanhood - Good Channel - wonderful Remind @EZlife - Beautiful Picture @Willieleev1971 - Great Channel @Harp609 - Great Channel @axl100 - Good one @ladyred @ladyhug - Sweet @jailbirdie-Lovely-Sis @Shannon222 - Sweet @beardedone2019-Funny-Comment-Lol😄 @Robert194622 @phandinhphuc @Tenkengo @nhanthai - Good News @dsthanh @LADIEUBONG @nguyenquoctuxi @Thientaitano - Beautiful Picture @625536 @Ngotrang @Phuonglinh13 @nguyenhieu123 @Tomnyvuong @Vuongdat @kendocsat @Tanawatee @NadirSaintPrix @Thephi02 @Tangdong @TigerUnitedStates @arissaya-Beautiful-Nature-Pictures @pianofire-Beautiful-Nature-Pictures @jailbirdie-Sweet @Claus_Lue🤩 @Peggy2❤️ @Nguyenducpte - Poem & Paint picture @mybluelove - Nice Poem & Picture @LeLeChung - Poem - Love & Life @oclencute666 - Nice @namgiangnet - Nice ~ @LeThinh - Best English Poem & Gif - Here is My Youtube Channel For Fun - Thank You For Watching ah 🤩❤️
Oct 2019
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