I have been gaming since 1992 and building PCs since 2003. I enjoy Linux, supporting FOSS projects and am a tinfoil hat connoisseur. Gaming is my achilles heel in that regard.
Many FOSS projects rely on donations. If you have money to spare but don't know which to donate to take a look at the below links on Ko-fi, Github, and Open Collective. Anything on there is something I have found to be worthy.
Independent, anti-groupthink, Y2K survivor, mostly post about politics, crypto and memes.
BTC: bc1qhlaewx47js9wkmde2fzaze6h0jdvmpu634afc8
I Stand Under The Common Law & I Am The People Run By The People For the people, I Am The Common Law Court's.
Truth Is Absolute. "Feed My Sheep" Jesus !
Can you handle the TRUTH & not there truth?
So let us all Connect the Dots together!
I am a state of awareness having an experience.
Remember truth is always the enemy of power/state/bankster's
WarriorForTruth is on-
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I would like to welcome each of you, and say, I hope that you enjoy the content that I am posting in this community on Local. Please feel free to engage with me on any of the topics that these videos and posts present now and in the future.
Freedom lover, Lifelong Examiner of everything, Combat Veteran, Searcher of Truth and Facts-based evidence, Protector of the oppressed, and Brother of those who hold the rule of law as paramount to maintaining civilization but not opposed to rare and necessary vigilance. As the empire collapses, civility dies. Stay fit or die.
I'm a disciple of peace, a husband, a father, and an anarchist. I worship Yahweh alone, and render to him the praise due the Father, the glory due the Son, and the love due the Holy Spirit. My channel is a platform for my thoughts about theology, life, and current events from a Christian pacifist and anarchist perspective.