I shitpost danks memes and lewd stuff mostly but I do occasionally write something serious. I've also got myself an account on gab.ai, another free speech social network that's like twitter, you can follow me there @bigabur.
Pan-Native Pan-European Pan-Survivalist, Anti-Abrahamic Pan-Anarchist, Pan-White Pan-Juche Pan-National Pan-Brocialist, Sperm-Restoring Pan-Spiritual Pan-Zalgoist Pan-Womanizer and Sex-Positive Pan-Traditionalist. we must retake planet earth from nonsense, All Proprietary Browsers are Surveillance Browsers, All Social Media CEOs must Sold All Social Networks into Kolyma Network, Most Anti-Sectarian Horror ARG on The Web https://www.kolyma.orghttps://www.davidmyatt.info
I talk to angels and animals: facts! I have lucid dreams of the 144,000 celestial forces that align with the 144,000 genomes in the blood. The tarot is used in secret to build the ladder to the Tree of Life, leading to the Holy Guardian Angel. My goal is to have twelve decks for each gate which deepens the level of opening up these forces. I am working on deck three now myself, the first one was done by Bob Maddox. I am making a revamped version of this we can call deck 1 1/2. Deck Two is done. The second deck has the tools to find the 144,000 names, create meditations for every day of the year, and align your habitat into sacred space. The third deck, underway will give you a couple grand worth of angels for middle pillar rituals to align the planets, stars and bones: I seek to hack the 144,000 for others, aligning the genomes and the consciousness faster with experienced shortcuts through it all.
A mix between Pro-Republic of China shitposting, social liberalism, shitposting, good laffs, and sTRAIGHT UP MEMEAGE. Additionally, I like Star Wars, general science fiction, history, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and especially languages. It is important to note that I have no formal higher level of education yet, but I'm in college. I have a steam and my own discord server. These are to be added. My YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZjbY7KRJBD613UXBF3oeg
My Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/egopatior/
The Cheng Zhou Discord: https://discord.gg/4F5bqrz
Deutsch Englisch Kanal
German English channel
Holocaust Revisionism (Videos) and some other stuff.
Holocaust Revisionismus (Videos) und sonst noch was.