Mike Protocol

I've been an active blockchain and DeFi observer,
Just a fun loving trucker's wife that's sick of Facebook's "community standards" and looking for laughs.
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Full of omega-3 fatty acids am I
Book & Movie Reviews & Recommendations
You Don't Need Any Permit For A God Given Right!
Babies Are People. They Are One Of Us.
Hello everybody, this channel is of many things; drawing art, writing parodies, taking videos or photos of places I've visited. I'm also a youtuber https://www.youtube.com/user/BiFriday and I'm on bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/redpillsamurai/ who likes to do exploration, i hope to gain interest from people subscribing to provide support and help me in furthering the expedition to explore all over the world. I also have Zazzle created to sell my Red Pill Philosophy i created. Most of my drawings i've been creating would go on the products as with my philosophy. The reason i named myself the "red pill samurai" is because i am striving to better my own life and live as well as help teach others too, which is why i created the red pill samurai philosophy.
May 2020
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