
blue collar perspective
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor (R)
Why not take an unorthodox look at our meaningless lives in the hope that we can better ourselves by discarding trivial nonsense? Web Development Anime Memes
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
Photographer, Activist and Independent Journalist - Always searching for questions Thank you everyone for all your support. And a special thanks to @chesschats @girlfawkes @TeruTeruBozuTNT @r3k4b @MerryBoomer @scotslad @GreenDeen @amazona
Free roaming drifter with heart So I'm homeless, I dropped everything I had going on in AZ to follow my heart and drive to PA. I've been living in my car and couch surfing the last 11 months. I've tried working a couple jobs but they were just more stressful than they were worth. So I gave up on the rat race and I'm trying to see and do as much as I can regardless of having no job and living in my car. I am chronicling my whole story right here on minds to show the world you can be happy and do whatever you want without succumbing to the way of life the system tries to trick you into living. If you have love in your heart you can make anything possible My BCH wallet: qpumh3fjemaafe5ylkmzm3hk4j6h7gfecqcpg7phwn My BTC wallet: 1C6fhipn46hFF8SodRzm4hUMHstyzavZNy
Curious about the world. Conservative woman sick to death of PC culture.
The largest online discussion forum and community for any topics related to animals or pets.
Jul 2019
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