
Warning to the intelligent minority: This platform is guilty of false advertising: intelligent lives do not matter here. The most intelligent people are oppressed, censored and will be banned for defending themselves against the prejudiced hatred of the stupid majority on this platform. If you dare be honest with any of these pathetic cowards, they will gang bully you right off the platform. The majority will cry like the pathetic infants they are in order to drive intellectual honesty off the platform so that they can continue to be want to be cult leaders & capitalize off of validating each other's dumb fuck opinions. This platform should be called mindless.cum. InfluenCzar's: No banning here but intellectual dishonesty will be corrected & intellectual dishonesty will be shut down. Nothing I have ever said seems to make a difference to the intellectually dishonest majority so describing what/who I am or what this channel is all about is likely a waste of time: dive in & figure it out over the course of many years. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Allow me to answer vocally:
@bobbosstheoriginal doesn't offer any memberships